
How to pass a C++class (structure) template to a function template

There is a structure template template<typename T> struct spec { T* values; int size = 0; }; You need to make ... ze] = val; st->size = st->size + 1; } But the error is отсутствует список аргументов для параметр шаблона template

Random selection of the file to read

I am trying to pass a random value( file name from enum) to a parameter for the file read method. But it throws an OptinalVal ... (name: TaskName.LvlTwo.allCases.randomElement()!, type: "txt") let conentFile = content lebel.text = contentFile! }

Calculating the average, maximum, and minimum age in c++

I don't understand what the error is. Outputs: struct StatisticVisitors { public: string surename[255]; }; void Stat ... erageAge; cout << "\nold: " << maximumAge; cout << "\nyong: " << minimumAge << "\n"; }

Create an array of structures with students in C

When creating a function that adds students to an array of structures, it highlights them in red. Here is the entire code # ... student res_st; scrcpy_s(res_st, 50, name); } Why can't I create the addStudent function? Thank you in advance.

Parsing dbf files with Python

I want to use data from KLADR in one of the projects. Since the data will have to be updated, I want to make a tool that will ... eive: struct.error: unpack requires a bytes object of length 8 What am I doing wrong? What is the format of a 32-bit number?

Problem when creating the struct.pack package()

I need to create a package for the Minecraft server (more on this protocol) ... How can this be fixed? Thank you in advance Upd: I forgot to tell you that I'm building the "Player Identification" package

Typed files. How to read information from a file?

Hello, please help me solve the task: Write a program containing information about the institute's employees. Each structure ... [n]; ifstream listOW("listOfWorkers"); while (listOW.getline(text, m)) // Далее не пойму что делать. return 0; }

C++ Structure. use of deleted function operator=

// menu.h struct MenuParameter { String textBefore; unsigned int &value; String (&valueFormatter)(unsigned ... deleted because the default definition would be ill-formed: struct MenuParameter { Why does this occur and how to avoid it?

golang reflect access to structure fields

There is such a structure: type User struct{ID string} u := &User{} How can I get the name of the field - "ID" from u. ... ture, the numbering will be broken. To pull out means to get the name of this property, but the wording is not quite correct.

Dynamic structures in c++

I'm going through a task in Alex Elline's book. After the topic of pointers and links in one of the test tasks, he asks you t ... ;< '\n' << my_people[i].health << '\n'; } delete[] my_people; system("pause"); }

Transmission of the structure via HRF24L01 in the Smart Home system

There was a need to transfer the structure through the NRF24L01 module to the Arduino, and then there were new problems. I wi ... t me as the module ID and the ego type can always be different. It is the data substitution that is needed. Help Meeeee!!!!

Error: "Breakpoint triggered"

There is a program: reads data from a file to a string, parses it by ";", writes it to a string vector, then converts the dat ... << pgn[i - 1].x << " - " << pgn[i].y << endl; } } else{ cout << "Open error!"; } }

Checking Code match on a vector inside a struct in C

Next, I created a struct struct eventos { int codigo; char data[11]; char atracao[50]; int ingresso; f ... lting the first and the second listed as not registered event. If you can help me with any way out, I will be very grateful!

How to connect one struct on the other?

I started in programming in C not long ago and I am with a doubt regarding structs, I would like to know if it is possible to ... ere a way to link the codigo_categoria member of struct categoria with the codigo_ligacao_categoria member of struct produto?

Struct vector in C

I can't find the error in this code of mine from an exercise. It prints right the first read, then prints random things. I co ... printf ("Posicao no seu TOP 5: %d \n",banda[i].posicao); } } Am I iterating wrong in reading? How would it be right ?

strcpy () in struct string

I have a struct Time that has a Vector char name[30], the problem starts when I try to copy a value to this string with the ... "Palmeiras"); time *t = c.first; printf("%s", t->name); return 0; The value of print for t->name is always garbage.

Struct and chained list

I created a structure of type person and intend to use it in a chained list, but the following errors appear: ' No ' ha ... ão achei necessário colocá-la } void destruirLista(Lista *l) { //já está pronta, porém não achei necessário colocá-la }

Binary file storage

In the program, I need to implement a structure that represents a student (name, age and enrollment). Using this structure, I ... would like to know why this is happening and I would also like to know if this method of storing in a binary file is correct.

How to manipulate a structs vector in an external function? Follow example

I'm in doubt on a question. The following statement follows: Implement a library control system with functions to register, ... int paginas; }; I would like to know how to pass a vector of this struct as a parameter of a function, can anyone help me?

Problem in ordering insertion code of structs (records) in files

I'm doing a job where I have to insert structs alphabetically into files, where the structs are political and the files (whic ... rename("newfile.txt", sigla); //Renomeia o novo arquivo de modo que este fique com o nome do arquivo antigo. } } }