
Removing random numbers in AVL tree

I have to implement an avl that receives 10 thousand random numbers from 1 to 1000 000, right after that I have to remove 1 t ... time(NULL) ); for(i=1; i<1000; i++){ fprintf(fp, "%d\n", 1 + rand()% 1000000); } fclose(fp); return 0; } <code>

How to read text files and put the words in a vector?

I need to make a code that reads a text file (txt) and save only the words in the positions of a vetor, below follows My Code ... x[i+1] = '\0'; printf("%s", x); fclose(file); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } But from this I do not know how to do.

Registration with C file

How do I know if there is a record (struct) saved in some position in a file in C ? For struct: typedef struct Registro { ... T); fread(&registro,sizeof(Registro),1,fl); Position 0 information was loaded into registro. How to know if it exists ?

How to select more than one txt file with C#

I am writing an application in C # that needs to receive more than 1 text file and display the Filename of them in an individ ... fDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { MessageBox.Show(fDialog.FileName.ToString()); } }

Read java TXT file data and perform Java operations

I am doing a car rental in java I need to read from a txt the type of client(char) , a range of dates(string) and the amount ... ile format : TYPE_CUSTOMER: QUANTITY_PASSENGERS: DATA1, DATA2, DATA3 Example: Normal: 2: 12Abr2018 (SEC), 13abr2018(ter)

Delete record in text file

I am making a program which consists of recording movies / series, modifying information and deleting specified records. I a ... If you could help me with at least some of the de facto code of these two functions in question, it would be of immense help!

How to read a text file in Java?

I have the file called dados.txt and I want to put it in a String. For example: String texto = lerArquivo("conteudo.txt"); Question How to write this method lerArquivo()?

Error importing data.csv for RStudio

When I import and create a file my data to the R he DA error... I tried the following path: melipona <- paste(system.f ... rk. When I give the command list.files()g it appears my file, I used the getwd() to see if it was in the same place and is...

Import / embed other files - go (golang)

I am studying go (golang) and I have a doubt regarding file import, the doubt is about something "elementary" but I could not ... the test.go inside main.go ? //em javascript seria algo assim: //main.go require('./test.go') How to do the same in go?

How to read TXT to a certain point and then continue from that point?

I have a class that is responsible for reading a TXT file part by part and returning me a result according to that part. Thi ... at is, if I stay within this class I can read the way I want. But if I give return to another class I already have problems.

Binary file storage

In the program, I need to implement a structure that represents a student (name, age and enrollment). Using this structure, I ... would like to know why this is happening and I would also like to know if this method of storing in a binary file is correct.

Problem in ordering insertion code of structs (records) in files

I'm doing a job where I have to insert structs alphabetically into files, where the structs are political and the files (whic ... rename("newfile.txt", sigla); //Renomeia o novo arquivo de modo que este fique com o nome do arquivo antigo. } } }

How to open a password protected Word document?

I can normally open a file .docx in Word using the of java, but there is a case that I need to open the document ...; } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } }

Print special characters in c that are in a file.txt com local library.h

My college semester program has several screens that print large texts of arquivo.txt, however, as I do in C language, some ... n the Ubuntu terminal, and even I putting the locale.h and setting up I'm not understanding why it's not printing correctly.

How to block an executable file and prevent it from opening in Windows?

I would like to create a particular program where I can block programs from running on Windows, I know that Windows itself pr ... g basic about this, but I wanted to create my program, someone Me from a code tip that blocks any executable file on Windows.

Problems with fwrite in binary file

I am trying to do writing and reading an integer in binary file with the following code: #include<stdio.h> #include&l ... } I am running this program several times, but after the first write, the next ones are ignored and do not go to the file.

Error including library using Linux

I'm just trying to compile examples from the book and get fatal error: No such file or directory when trying to include con ... which I get error. Why does this happen and which library should I use to handle buffered files using Linux (Fedora 23)?

Corrupted LaTeX file

I use TexStudio (LaTeX) and today I worked all day on a chapter of my thesis. I stopped now at night and when I came back I ... n size and appears blank. I do not know what else to do, any suggestion so that I do not miss mine work? I'm on Windows 8.1

Protect Excel spreadsheet in C#

In a C # application, which can have from 1 to 2100 hours of data collection. The data is saved in an Excel CSV spreadsheet e ... e saved. What is the smart and intelligent way to prevent this file from being opened until the data collection is finished?

Problems with Binary Search Tree in C

Now repositioning my post more clearly (this is a continuation of my previous question). In the code, I try to create a binar ... >nome, p->apelido, p->cargo, p->valorPropinaMensal, p->quantidadeVezes); fclose(pEscrita); return 0; }