
Windows Server 2012 r2 does not boot after the update

Updates cannot be installed on Windows Server 2012 r2. The update is downloaded, installed, and requires a server reboot, but ... reboot, the server does not boot normally. It turns out to boot only in maintenance mode and roll back to the previous state.

How to upgrade from Centos 7.3 to Centos 7.6

How do I upgrade from Centos 7.3 to Centos 7.6? You need it on 7.6.1810, not newer. I tried to connect the distribution iso 7.6 and make it a repository, but updates are not pulled up from there.

Ways to update an Android app from the server

I'm developing an app internally that will run on Android devices. I have a question, what is the best way to update the appl ... server in the same way as in PlayMarket? Please enlighten me in this matter. P.S. The application is implemented on Flutter.

How do I update the library?

How do I update the library? I want to update one of the python libraries. How do I do this? Those I have python-lib_a_1.3, and I want python-lib_a_1.9.

Table update and String or binary data would be truncated error

if object_id('tempdb..#NT')is not null drop table #NT DECLARE @name NVARCHAR(12) SET @name = 'ELSETI\'; CREATE TABLE #NT ( ... 14, Line 23 String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated. Content of #NT Contents of _users

Bypassing the corporate proxy

Hello. Please help me on the topic described in the title. The situation is as follows: there are several computers connect ... white static ip, a Raspberry Pi, and a home PC. Is there any way to configure all this to bypass filters in the organization?

Android studio 3.0 Update

I'm trying to update android studio 3.0. I have it installed along the way: D:\ProgramsD\Android\android-studio. I click Hel ... eed to touch? Since there is 500 GB of free space on disk D. I didn't find any settings for this. How to fix all this mess?

inserted + deleted in trigger sql?

Good day to all! I create a trigger for updating the table, during which you need to write all the changed fields to the tabl ... hank you in advance! The table is valid: create table #A ( Name nvarchar(max), Sex nvarchar(max) )