
Creating variable through user response in Python

I would like to have the user enter a response from that response would create a "variable" or not. I do not know if creating ... the answer was yes, the program would create another variable that would receive a certain value float (a2 a3 a4) and so on.

Show an object / variable with different names in R?

Considering the following routine: x <- 1:10 for (i in 1:length(x)) { ## Nome da variável: nomevar <- paste0("Var_", i) var <- x[i] + 2 assign(nomevar, var) print(nomevar) # aqui esta minha duvida }

How to use the current value of a variable in a more internal function?

The following code "prints" 50 times the text "message 50" in a textarea. for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) { setTimeout ... at the time the function Internal was created in the call of setTimeout, resulting in texts from " Message 0 "to"message 49"

What is the difference between global and superglobal variables?

I read some time ago that PHP has the vast majority of its variables declared with local scope. But I found two other conce ... en them. What is the difference between global and super global variables? when should one (ria) use each specific type?

How to detect if a variable is null?

I am trying to validate a simple form in Python 3 and want to make it not register the information in case the field nome is ... </child> </object> </interface> I leave the name field blank and it returns me the print("n nula").

Is using "private" in classes in C# optional?

What is the difference between private string abc = ""; and string abc = "";? Do you have a difference or is it just the way ... rked equally. Example: public class c { string texto = ""; } And public class c { private string texto = ""; }

Why does JavaScript allow to use variables without declaring?

Was doing a test on JSFiddle, with the code below. In it I did not declare the variable i, but still, I can use it normally. ... al scope"? for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ document.write(i + '<br>'); } i = 'asdasd'; document.write(i);

Variable stays with another value even without assigning values to it

I call a jframe passing as a parameter my variable and there I assign it in another variable that I declared so I can do the ... e frame2 = new ViewDatasheetJFrame(recipesTModel.get(row)); frame2.setLocationRelativeTo(rootPane); frame2.setVisible(true);

Difficulty updating global variable. c

I am developing the following code and I am using global variables that can be changed in different parts of the code, but wh ... digitalWrite(saidaclimatizacao, HIGH); estadoclimatizacao = 1; printf("climatizacao ON\n"); } }

How to add a VARIAVEL PHP in JavaScript?

I need to throw a volume variable within a Option i.e. the person selects a category and as that category appears the items i ... //caso o XML volte vazio, imprime a mensagem abaixo idOpcao.innerHTML = "Nenhuma familia relacionada"; } }

Assignment and OO in Python

Studying object orientation in Python I was told that one difference of such a language in the instance and assignment of a c ... topic so that we do not make mistakes? How does it work to assign the object a nickname and not the object to the nickname?

C # challenge variable value exchange

I recently made a very simple challenge: Change the value of two variables without using a third variable. int a = 5; ... ack', 'Overflow']; b = a[0]; // b = 'Stack'; a = a[1]; // a = 'Overflow'; How could I solve this challenge with string?

What does a type variable of an abstract class mean?

Studying design pattern I saw one thing I didn't quite understand what it means, when we have a variable of the type of an ... ). The getFabrica() method of ReprodutorFabrica returns a creator of an object type, in this case returns the color creator.

How to switch the # symbol to the CIF symbol in the terminal after changing user

I will be direct, because the title denotes part of my curiosity about the linux console. I explain In some type distros - ... not change to "$" after logging in. Doubt I don't know how this works and/or simply how it should be done. Someone knows!?

What is the use of a static or final variable in java?

What is the difference from the statement private static int var_nome to private final int var_nome to private int var_nome? How can these statements influence my algorithm?

How to identify the type of the variable in C?

In languages like Nodejs, Ruby, Lua , etc. When I want to know what is the type of my variable just use the function typeof ... necessarily in the mentioned languages) which returns a String with the type name of my variable. But how to do this in C?

How to make a public routine for all forms without being tied to a form?

I have several forms in my application, and I can start the call by some of them partially running for testing (not necessari ... = 10 ArrastoMouse = False MaximoTentativas = 3 ... ... End Sub Solution See answer below

What does a double precision variable mean?

I would like to understand the meaning of a double precision variable.

Format city names and ignore words like "do", "dos", "das"," da", etc

I am working with Webservice whose city names are all deformatted and I would like to create a function to treat the names ev ... { $dados = strtolower($ar); $dados .= "&nbsp;"; // Imprime porto de galinhas $cidade = trim($dados); }

What's the difference in instantiating, initializing, and declaring a variable?

Many articles on the internet refer to these verbs, regardless of the programming language. But sometimes they are all confus ... interchanged, which generates a lot of confusion. What does it mean to "instantiate", "initialize" and "declare" a variable?