
VS2019 step-by-step debugging skips loop iterations

Created a simple code with a loop on Visual Studio 2019: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { i ... with no gaps like the one described? P.S. F9 does not help, it goes into the instruction itself, as, in fact, it should be.

Where to get stdafx.h in Visual Studio 2019?

Installed Visual Studio, download everything you need, started working and saw that "stdafx" is missing. Where can I find it in the public domain for download and where to throw it off later?

How to start using postgresql in visual studio 2019 using qt

I installed postgresql and checked the connection to the database via pgAdmin4.exe. There is a project in Visual studio with ... sending requests and receiving responses from the server Upd: The QPSQL driver is not loaded. I don't understand how to load

(UWP C#) The application accessed an interface related to another thread

I found an example of implementing a console TCP chat in C# and decided to try to transfer its client to UWP. In the example, ... ), my Chathistory string gets the value of message but boxChat for some reason does not update this value. I'll keep digging.

Using the features of the Android C++ project in Visual Studio

I recently asked myself how to create an Android app in C++. Going to VS , I found "Native Android app " on C++. Having succ ... at I only know the basic C++language(I can understand what is written in the code), and I am almost not familiar with OpenGL.

How to open it.cs file as Windows Form Constructor (Visual Studio c#) 2019

I created an empty windows forms project. In the guides, it is written that Windows Form constructor opens along with the file. How do I open it as a Windows Form constructor? A completely empty project.

The folder path doesn't open via File Explorer

Has anyone ever encountered such a thing? When trying to open the folder path via file explorer in the studio itself I get the error Tell me how to solve the problem without reinstalling. P. S: All newly created projects have the same theme.

VS 2019 does not see установленный.net core 3.1

Does not see the existing 3.1.102 and puts 3.1.101 next to in C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk I delete 3.1.101 through visual st ... ns in Windows Form. I tried to find where in VS settings of paths to compilers, but I did not find, - they are at all got it?

Visual studio 2019 is not available in the debuggers

When called in the code System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(), Visual studio 2019 is not available in the debugger selection m ... ould I do to make it appear? Can't this be due to the fact that the code is built in an old studio or under an old framework?

What does the string output mean? C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe in the console?

Switched to Visual Studio 2019. In projects, I began to notice this line: C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe What does it mean? Do I need it? Does it interfere(at least aesthetically) with me? Is it possible to get rid of it?

C # selenium Chrome automation, how to access an HTMLCollection using selenium in visual studio

Well personal, I'm trying to access an index of an HTML Collection by selenium in visual studio, so I'm not being able to acc ... mber goes from 0 to 7. By selenium I get to this: nav.FindElement(By.ClassName("xxxx")); I'm using C# to do the automation.

Design layout Xamarin Android bugado Visual Studio 2019

Guys talk, I downloaded Visual Studio 2019 with Xamarin to work on a project, but when I open a layout to be able to work the screen comes all blank, the objects are there but do not appear. Can anyone help me?