
Keyboard shortcuts in VS code (codium)

Tell me the key combination to open the source code of the object in VS code. For example, so that when you import a class, when you select it with this combination, you can open its sources.

Debag C++ code in VS Code

When you try to run the C++ code for the debug (F5, the breakpoint is set) in Visual Studio Code (Ubuntu 18.04 OS), an error ... without breakpoints and with a breakpoint on line 7 (return 0;). What might be causing the problem, and how can I fix it?

How do I set up automatic code formatting in vs code?

To avoid pressing SHIFT+ALT+F every time. And when editing the code, it was automatically formatted itself. I already had thi ... после ввода строки editor.formatOnSave - Format на сохранении editor.formatOnPaste - Format на вставку. Doesn't help

Visual Studio Code-false errors on the correct MySQL syntax

Why per line: ALTER TABLE users ADD `date_practic` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL AFTER `date_exam`; Visual Studio Code returns a synt ... the kbd tag) is a syntax error? After all, this is exactly the MySQL syntax. Or is Visual Studio a bad editor for MySQL code?

How can I run python scripts with command-line arguments in vs code?

I would like to run scripts with arguments in vs code using something like what is in pycharm: That is, write some consta ... ipt with them. Using the command line to run and change them on occasion is not so convenient. So, how to do this in VS CODE?

How to work in Java in Visual studio code or community

I have the latest version of visual studio code (downloaded in 2020) I don't know how to write console programs in java using visual studio code. It's the same with Visual studio community.

How to work with Visual Studio Code

Good time of day! I ran into a problem. To be honest, I'm new to programming, but I decided to sign up for the Unified State ... k with a cloud of extensions in the add-on (which I will not be allowed to download on the Unified State Exam, respectively)?

HTML text color in the VSCode editor

Good afternoon. Tell me, I want to change the color of the text (which is between the tags) in the document. html. Example: Text . I want the word Text to be red, how do I do this? Thanks!

How do I comment out a piece of code in VS Code?

I recently switched to this code editor, and there are problems with commenting: I used to work in Sublime, where everything was solved by selecting the necessary piece of code and using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+/.

How do I configure Visual Studio Code to work with C++?

How do I configure Visual Studio Code to work with C++ after installing the necessary plugins? Visual Studio is not suitable, it eats a lot of resources, and the functionality is slightly different.

Multicurse stopped working in visual code studio

The multicurser in visual studio code has stopped working. In the settings, there is a keyboard shortcut ctr+alt+UpArrow and ctr+alt+DownArrow, but nothing works from this

the vscode language does not change

I select the tab >Configure Display Language via ctl+shift+p, then the installed language package RU. VSCode offers a restart, I restart the program but the interface language remains the same. I hope you have some ideas on how to solve this.

CSS property/value hints for sass in VS Code

I work in VS Code, write styles in *. sass and do not show hints as in*. css files. Installed extensions: - Sass (syler.sass- ... - Beautify css/sass/scss/less - Live Sass Compiler Can you tell me what you need to install or register in the settings?

How do I run the code in VS Code?

I started studying JS, installed VS Code. I wrote the code, but I can't run it. I click debug, run without debugging, and an error is returned. Question: how do I run the code in VS Code?

ESLint, prettier, and VS Code

After installing the npm packages, install eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier prettier lint-staged husky --save-de ... "prettier" ] } In short, the linter does not start.. because I'm crooked) help)..Screen of pacage.json I attached

How do I remove this selection in Visual Studio Code?

Tell me how you can remove this selection. Ie, I click on the div and it highlights all the divs. Very inconvenient because I can not understand where this div ends

Disable automatic insertion in Visual Studio Code

When opening a file, instead of the usual cursor, there is an insert, you have to press the insert key every time, how can you disable it? Reinstalling the program did not solve this problem.

Emmet doesn't work in Visual Studio Code

I want to configure Visual Studio Code for the Web, but I realized that the emmet plugin does not work for me. I tried many o ... "workbench.colorTheme": "Visual Studio Dark", "files.associations": { }, "editor.codeActionsOnSave": null }

Help with Visual Code and Python code

I have always used Visual Code and there were no problems.But today, why in debugging I do not show Russian characters, I searched the Internet for news I don't understand anything,I hope for your help.