
How do I use the declension API for phrases?

Hello there! There is API for declension by case of phrases in Russian Example url for a request at the bottom of the page af ... e, but if I send the phrase request freezes. And on the direct link I apply everything works and quickly! Tell me what it is.

Opening a new tab by clicking on the extension icon in Chrome

How to make it so that when you click on the extension icon in Google Chrome, not a popup pops up, but a script is executed (gen.js) and the tab opened?

Generating a POST request with php curl in JSON format

Trying to get a token for the digiseller api https://my.digiseller.com/inside/api_general.asp#token I'm trying to form a req ... curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $server_output = curl_exec($ch); echo $server_output; curl_close ($ch);

The Json response in" incorrect encoding " displays Russian characters

Good afternoon. The Json response in" incorrect encoding " displays Russian characters. If the characters are English, then e ... ollowing characters: \u0418? Although then everything is displayed well in JavaScript, but I would like to remove it. Thanks.

How do I make an api request to stepik in java?

You need to get information about a specific course on stepik using the java api. I need to make a request so as to get a lis ... d it, you can take all the courses and filter out those where enrollment: null , but can someone look and help with the code?

How to send a POST via axios to telegra.ph API?

I send a post to the telegraph API using axios. post () in nodejs. in response, I get that the token is invalid. although, if ... og(data.data) } }).catch(err => console.error(err)) Here is the API documentation https://telegra.ph/api

Python JSON parse all data by the views key

Wikipedia Statistics How to get a list of all "views", numbers like: 16944,15420....

Node.js get json from the site

Interested in how to pick up json from the site and write it as json Example: const furret = require('https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/furret');

JSON Parsing on Android

Good evening, everyone. There is a JSON file that needs to be parsed. Structure JSON below: { "Italiano" : [ ... algorithm for parsing this file. Please help me! Apparently I myself will not get out of this stopper! Thank you in advance!

The parser.json in PHP

You need to parse this link link I did this: <?php $url = file_get_contents("http://api.dotaprj.me/jd/matches/v130/api ... ; margin:10px auto;">'; foreach($subarray as $item){ echo $item; } echo '</table>'; } ?>

How to parse a website Dns-shop.ru?

I tried to do this: def parser(search): headers = {'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'user-agent': 'M ... }); window.yaCounterReachGoal = function(e, p) { ym(7967056, 'reachGoal', e, p); } } catch(e) {} </script>

How do I get a direct link to a YouTube video?

Tell me how to get a direct link (or how to send a request via cURL) to a YouTube video. Now I do this, I get meta informatio ... link via meta correctly or how to access YouTube in a different way to get a direct link and info about the video. Thank you.

How do I delete duplicates in an array with Python dictionaries?

It is necessary to remove duplicates by key value name from the array with dictionaries. I tried the following: def remove_du ... : 'invalid.url:8080'}, \ {'description': 'First service another description', 'name': 'service_one', 'value': 'invalid.url'}

Get nested dictionary values from EXMO's JSON in Python

Right away: I can scribble programs, but mostly G-code... I decided to improve the trade bot a little here... When receiving ... ew_a it turns out to be just a string, instead of the expected dictionary (tuple...) , click where to dig or how to fix it...

How to parse Json in Java?

Hello! There is such a response from the server: { "p_result": "ok", "p_item": [ { "p_id": 132 ... sonObject userObject = user.getAsJsonObject(); userObject.get("p_id"); str = userObject.get("p_id").toString(); }

Parsing JSON java

Guys trying to parse json { "tokenResult": { "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIsIm ... a result, the tokenResult gets null. The isTwoFactorAuth protocol works on this field. Guys where I made a mistake tell me ((

Python: Adding an item to a list in a JSON list

I have a JSON file: { "Chats": [ { "id": "321", "users": [ { ... "sex": "2", "urltovk": "https://vk.com/id1232" } ] } ] }

What is the date format in JSON?

Everywhere it is written that YYYY-MM-DD but I have Postman gives an error.

What is the best way to use XML or JSON?

Question what is the best way to use it? In ajax I use JSON and to be honest I don't understand why then XML? What are the global differences other than the construction??? Pros and cons.

Qt 5 JSON parsing

I have a QByteArray containing the following JSON: { "response": { "count": 2, "items": [ {" ... emObject, the second debag outputs nothing. Tell me, maybe you need to parse differently or why this method does not work?