The difference between core and core mvc

I often find these two names on the Internet. Are these different technologies or just two names for the same framework? And if there is a difference, please explain it.

Russian characters in ASP.Net Core

"Server" code: using System.Net.Http.Headers; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting; using M ... }); } } } But the "server" has returned not what I need: How to force it ASP.Net Why send Russian characters?

How do I sync?

Good time of day. The bottom line is this: there are clients (Windows applications) and you need to synchronize data on them. ... on is how to do it correctly. p. s. - the load is not large, so I assume that SignalR and the API will be on the same server.

Autofac: resolver of the ICommandHandlerAsync type without specifying the T type

I will immediately highlight the question, below will be a detailed description of what I need it for. In Autofac, dependenc ... AsEnumerable()); return handlersDict; }) }).InstancePerLifetimeScope();

C exception handling approach#

The question is more focused on an architectural approach or refactoring. For example, there is a console application where t ... like to know how to elegantly handle exceptions of asynchronous methods (asynh await), how to throw them to the main thread?

Error 50 during the initial DATABASE creation

I am writing an application for core 3.0, EF 6. Connection string: "DefaultConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\usersdb;Database=l ... r: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 50 - Local Database Runtime error occurred. The specified LocalDB instance does not exist.

How do I get the original image orientation available from the URL?

The task is to display the image correctly (horizontally or vertically) depending on its EXIF data. Currently, the server r ... m? What are your ideas? It would be great to see a piece of the implementation if the orientation was defined on server side

Similar to LIKE (substring search) in LINQ

How do I redo this query to have something like WHERE movie.Title LIKE "searchString" That is, searching for a substring, ... in db.Movie where movie.Title == searchString select movie; return View(MovieQuery); }

MS SQL Rounding to the nearest even number

I have logic in a c# application that I was forced to start duplicating on the slq server in views and stores, and faced with ... How do I make the ROUND behavior in MS SQL the same as in c#? PS Server version: MSSQL2016 (13.0.1601.5), .net core 2.1

Horizontal list in RazorPages

You need to create a horizontal list. There is a style <style> { margin: 0; /* Обнуляем значение отст ... строчка строчка строчка строчка строчка строчка строчка строчка строчка строчка строчка

How to keep track of where the memory goes?

How to track where RAM goes? And where to look when 500mb of RAM is immediately spent at the start? The most doubtful entry ... nt = a.Sum(e => e.Balls) }).OrderByDescending(a => a.Point).ToList(); Is it possible to optimize this somehow?

Test server for the site

Hello everyone. You need to use a "temporary" server for one site and for one user. The bottom line - you need to raise the s ... I also remain a noob in programming, because I left this topic. Also soryan for the title. I just couldn't think of anything.

Logging out of your account in the app using the "Log in via Facebook" button does not work correctly. What to do(see the description and code)?

Facebook Instagram API: This question is intended for those who already have even minimal experience with the Instagram API, ... reboot code to the exit method that is built into the button, how do I do this? Using recursion? Which ones exactly actions?)

The PNG image has a black background after the change

Making an image editor on ASP.Net Core. Initially, there is such an image with a transparent background in png format. Afte ... n View("Index"); } Please help to solve this problem, so that after changing the image, it also has a white background.

How to remove username validation ASP.NET MVC CORE?

I'm trying to change the user's password in this way: await _userManager.ResetPasswordAsync(user, code, editViewModel.Passw ... an only contain letters or digits. (Dmitry is the user name). How do I cancel user name validation when I change my password?

Explain on your fingers the compatibility of the libraries in.Net Core,.Net Framework,.Net Standart

Studying.Net. I want to write a server application (I think that learning is better on a real example than writing primitive ... you understand what I want to understand: How to find out the compatibility of a package with a specific implementation .NET?

What are the ways to log all application errors in ASP.NET Core?

What are the ways to log all application errors in ASP.NET Core? For example, I would like to save all exceptions with the ca ... s not responding, the Internet fell off, users send the wrong data to a specific method of a specific controller, and so on.

Is there already a worker somewhere ASP.NET Core hosting?

Everywhere it is written that ASP.NET Core is a multi-platform technology that runs on Linux as well. I tried to find hosti ... nux? ASP.NET Core apps? If so, what are the results, and how stable is the platform? What are the prospects in this the plan?

The repository pattern for entity framework Core. Any questions?

I always used the repository pattern, but more as a wrapper that was needed for unit tests, you could embed caching there thr ... сам, эту фишку НЕЛЬЗЯ использовать. 4. Довольно много кода. Is worth whether to bother at all? And what can be improved?

show the form in the Bootstrap 4 modal window

Opening a form in a modal window. The page on which we call the window: <a asp-action="Create" class="btn btn-primary" da ... 3.7, but in Bootstrap 4 only an empty window opens, the form itself does not load. Someone has already solved this problem?