
Python - problems with utf-8 encoding

How do I get python to work with utf-8 encoding? The file.pyc file is generated (or not generated, I didn't understand it my ... blem still turned out to be in Apache. The solution was found tut AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 SetEnv PYTHONIOENCODING utf8

Apache Setup: error 403

I wrote this config. For some reason, 403 crashes in the end. How to fix it? <VirtualHost paint.web:80> ServerAdmin ... Deny from all Allow from * </Directory> </VirtualHost> P. s. distribution-linux mint

How do I set up https for Apache and Tomcat with a free certificate?

Given: VPS on Ubuntu, on it Apache (for the front) and Tomcat (for the API). There is a domain, everything works for http. ... ss. Problem: I don't want to pay for the certificate. Question: How do I get a free certificate and configure everything?

Configuring apache 2.0.64 and PHP 5.2.17

Hello, please help with the setup of Apache 2.0.64 и PHP 5.2.17.Here's how I set it up: htaccess: Options Indexes FollowSymLi ... AddType application/x-httpd-php .php I turn it off - it works.Waiting for an answer, thank you very much.

How to open a port for apache in termux

I want to make a host on the phone, but I don't know how to open the port for apache

When the page loads, a blank page is displayed

I have this problem with one site, I go to the site and start clicking on the links-sometimes the page is displayed normally, ... (array($database->connection, 'real_escape_string'), $_COOKIE); $_COOKIE = array_map('htmlspecialchars', $_COOKIE); ?>

Apache2 does not start

For some reason, apache2 doesn't start Job for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See ... [1]: Failed to start The Apache HTTP Server. -- Subject: Unit apache2.service has failed -- Unit apache2.service has failed.

Changing the settings in the php. ini file does not change the php settings

I use apache2 + several versions of php (5.6, 7.0, 7.3). There are two virtual hosts on the server. I change the php version ... ere /etc/php/7.3/apache2/php.ini In this case, all the settings from this file take effect. Tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Apache error "The requested URL could not be retrieved"

I installed XAMPP for myself. I started everything. I open the browser, enter localhost, and the error ERROR The requested ... host` # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. # localhost # localhost

How do I specify a local server?

Sorry for such a question! It's just my first website! So, I created a server according to this instruction and registered! Now to check, you need to specify the local server! Where?

The site with www does not open

There is an nginx frontend server{ listen 80; server_name test3.iandreev.com; rewrite ^(.+)$ https://test3.i ... The site cannot be accessed, the server IP address could not be found www.test3.iandreev.com. Tell please where is the error?

Apache rewrite module does not work

I can't understand why the rewrite module doesn't work, now it is available in the config /etc/apache2/apache2. conf < ... meout_module (shared) rewrite_module (shared) setenvif_module (shared) status_module (shared) What could be the problem?

PHP development environment for Ubuntu

Hello! In the end, I got tired of editing php and js files in Notepad++ and debug in Denwer - I decided to switch to a more ... ploying the environment. If someone tells you the environment for the usual Windows, then I will be grateful for the same!

How to remove 500 errors and enable PHP errors.

In php. ini enabled display_errors and display_startup_errors, did not help.

Strange 413 error in Nginx

The situation with comments and additions is described on habra. I still haven't decided, please help me. Returns 413 Request ... n uploading a file via the web interface.Directive in configs client_max_body_size 100m. Nginx works as a frontend to apache.

Problem with include

Good afternoon, On the project, we use Yii. Recently noticed that on the server (the project is not in production) it began ... omeone can immediately suggest something? Thanks. Personally, I think Apache is the problem. We use it on the ubuntu server.

BeanShell sampler does not import libraries

You need to write a simple get request, but BeanShell sampler doesn't want to import libraries for some reason import org.a ... e.http.client.HttpCli . . . '' : Typed variable declaration : Class: HttpPost not found in namespace Why is this happening?

Restrictions on the use of the product with the Apache 2.0 license

What are the restrictions if I use someone else's code/library or SDK when developing my software product, which is provided ... rticular-I have the right to close my sources from the public, as well as distribute my software product for a fee? Thank you

phpmyadmin in lamp-server [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: ... rote localhost/phpmyadmin and he told me that the document was not found. So where is it installed and why is it not working?

As when accessing the ww2.example.com call the contents of the domains/example.com/html/ww2 / directory?

Required at ww2.example.com call the contents of the /home/clients/test_ftp0/domains/example.com/html/ww2 directory/ I tried ... ST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /ww2/$1 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?ww2.loungefirst.ml$ RewriteRule ^(/)?$ ww2/ [L]