
Wpf: binding data from an object

There is a separate class Piple with a bunch of data about a person, I create an object of this class in MainWinow. In the ma ... a from and chel.name2 to the corresponding textbox, respectively. Can you tell me if this can be done with Binding?

Python keyboard. add hotkey(): how do I save the hotkey values correctly?

In one of the applications on the library keyboard, I am trying to implement the installation and subsequent saving of hot ke ... hone() if key != None: keyboard.add_hotkey(key[0], callback, suppress = False) keyboard.wait() else: bind_keys()

Binding in C# WPF

There is a label in the main window <Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" DataContext="{StaticResource h}" Content="{Binding ... with label, but if you need to do Binding to label in UserControl, dancing with a tambourine begins and still does not work. how can I update the field value with data from the drop-down list if this field has a two-way link and the "void" is not included in the drop-down list

My field is associated with the fallout sheet databinding, but the table has data(test and left, but necessary) in which this ... "ObjName") %>'></asp:Label> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField>

Drag&Drop by WPF rules

Please tell me how to do the correct drag&drop by attaching its position to the MVVM, so that you can save it to a file b ... canvas.getleft (uiobj)+mouse. x)" (this example will not work, I know), but I do not know how to redo all this in mvvm :-(

TwoWay Binding doesn't work via DependencyProperty

When you change a property via TwoWay binding, you do not work with the variable, only with the dependency property. I marke ... MainWindow), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(5.0, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault)); } }

Handling the execution of a command resolution by multiple criteria in WPF

Several conditions must be met to execute the command. In my case, you need to allow the command to run if two items in the L ... ommand, if you need to meet many verification conditions that depend not only on the current object, but also several others.

Translating Binding from XAML to code

Please help me translate this Binding from XAML into code: Width="{Binding Width, ElementName=dockPanel}. My XAML : <Li ... dth = SetBinding(Width, dockPanel.Width); myListBoxItem.Content = "Моя строчка :D"; this.mylistbox.Items.Add(myListBoxItem);

Binding to properties obtained via Reflection - C# WPF

Good afternoon! There is a model class with various properties (settings) that can be updated, so the task is to pull these ... </Grid> </DataTemplate> </ListBox.ItemTemplate> </ListBox>

Binding to Image does not work.Source WPF

<Window x:Class="project.View.AddWorkerWindow" xmlns="" ... insert the same path in the tag <Image> Source="../images/man.png" - the picture is visible What could be the reason?

Angular 2 Binding in Component

I have the following scenario. I own a list in a webservice , but when I expect a return to pass the value to my component, ... nome: 'tudobem'},{nome: 'contigo'}] AlgumaCoisa.then(data => { this.lista = data; }); } }

What is the difference between binding types in Angular?

In Angular (not AngularJS) there are some ways to bind Component properties to The View. <img src="{{ boundProperty }}"&g ... rty"> Is there a correct way to perform bindings? In what situations should each of the items mentioned be used and why?

How not to lose decimal places when doing " longProperty1.divide (longProperty2)"?

What I want to do is pretty simple, I just don't know how to "do it right" in JavaFX: I have two LongProperty (num1 and nu ... something that should be very simple and already provided for in JavaFX. So how do you do it the "right way" in the JavaFX?

Angular: ngModel is not being recognized

I am using ngModel to insert value into variable through input, but the same is not being recognized, if I do with isolated v ... ctor() { } ngOnInit() { } loginUsuario() : void{ alert(this.usuario + " - " + this.senha); } }