
Add text under images using Table

I'm using a table to align images and a text. However, when the resolution is low,it gets very unpleasant and I wanted to put ... r> </table> Picture: How would you go underneath, even if you were in a table ?

How to make one button collapse Bootstrap disable the other

I created two buttons collapse in Bootstrap with two different content. What happens: When I click the first button the ... de"pages/ecommece/inc/jan-cor/3f/jan-cor-3f-1500x1000.php"; ?> </div> </div> </div> </div>

Questions to send data via POST

Hello, I'm trying to send via $_POST some data for validation and later insertion into the bank, which I could do in another ... n to the user to access data from the cities for which he is allowed. Thank you so much to anyone who can help. Hug everyone.

Bootstrap 3 / height of columns in Grid System

Good Morning! I'm new here on the forum and I'm developing a page using bootstrap 3 and I have a question about the Grid Sys ... iv> </div> Is there a way for the columns to be the same height, or not to leave this space all empty? Thank you

Bootstrap Grid does not work!

I am developing a website and the Bootstrap grid is not working... the MD and SM are working properly, but when I test the re ... w bounceInRight'><img src="img/parceiros/6.png" alt="" class="img-fluid"></div> </div>

I can't use bootstrap glyphicons

I am not able to use bootstrap glyphicons, simply do not appear, I am using a linux machine, and I know that it is something ... re a little misaligned with the input, which using the CDN it aligns correctly nor do I need to insert any line of code more.

bootstrap class panels not working

I intalei the bootstrap framework and testing some components of the site some worked and others did not and I do not know th ... er size. Why did this happen? need to install more something, I use sublime text 3 to write and tested on mozilla and chrome.

Bootstrap Dropdown Menu does not work

I'm developing a web application and I'm using the bootstrap dropdown menu but it doesn't work My <head></head> ... ue).delay(200).fadeIn(500); }, function() { $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeOut(500); });

How to center a modal Box horizontally and vertically with CSS3? Is it possible?

My ModalBox (.modal-fade in Boostrap), is appearing at the top of the page! Can I Center it on Horizontal and Vertical us ... </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>

Bootstrap 3-spacing between inputs

I am building a form that in some moments will have 3 columns and more than 4 rows but I am not able to make that when starti ... /fieldset> </form> Which generates an output like this: O what I need and I'm not getting, is this:

Html rows and columns

I am not able to make the columns stay in the same row, I am using the code below, but the columns come out side by side, and ... ; <p>algo aqui 3</p> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

What is the difference between col-lg -*, col-md-* and col-sm - * in Bootstrap?

It's been a long time that I use Bootstrap i've worked with almost all versions. Normally to structure my applications I use ... l-md-* e col-sm-* under what circumstances should in case of inappropriate use of this element what problems may arise ?

Exit button with message

I'm trying to use bootstrap 3 along with VRaptor 3 and I'm having a problem in the menu. It turns out that I have in this me ... ol" placeholder="Search..."> </form> </div> </div> </nav>

Different responsiveness between browsers (Webkit & Mozilla)

I use Bootstrap 3 in my project. I used Mozilla throughout the creation process, and responsive design works great on it and ... at in Chrome, navbar didn't even get to the point of hiding links and displaying a burger menu. How can I solve this? Thanks.

How to remove white margin from a carousel (Bootstrap)?

I created a carousel on my site through Bootstrap code, and I want it to occupy the entire width of the screen (100vw) and al ... margin: 0px; } body { height: 400vh; } #topo { width: 100vw; height: 90vh; } .carousel_img { width: 100%; height: 100%; }

Aligning images inside Bootstrap Panel

I have the following Panel: <div class="panel panel-primary"> <div class="panel-heading"> ... lignment worked only for Class .panel, and Class .img did not have the same result. How should I do to align the images too ?

Add border over an image and text

How do I overlay a border over an image and text, leaving a border for the image as the attached image:

Adding buttons in the top right corner of the div

I am using bootstrap, HTML and CSS in a responsive layout and wanted to add two buttons in the top right corner of the div ... l-46846328.jpg" class="img-circle img-responsive center-block" alt="Imagem" width="150" /> </div> </div>

How to align radio button and label, with Bootstrap 3.x?

How to align the radio buttonwith the label, using the Bootstrap 3.x ? I tried several ways, but the "misalignment" remain ... > 10 </label> </div> Note: it was necessary to put the style, because the radio button was too big.

How to keep the input date bootstrap on the page?

I implemented the "date" Class of Bootstrap 3. When the page is accessed, the field is rendered normally, but at the end of t ... class="glyphicon glyphicon-th"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div>