
Retina layout - how to determine the pixel density?

This is a question from the past and it was put somewhat strangely. But the answer below is more than relevant. After diggi ... thinks about this, what solutions can you offer, and how can you generalize the above methods into one semi-working version?

Installing Windows 8 Mobile on an HTC Desire C smartphone

I watched the announcements of the new Windows 8 Mobile and thought to put it on my Smart phone. Question: Can I install this ... d a system less devouring memory. You can also not install a Windows OS. I just want to make a faster smart phone for myself.

How do I change the TTL in Windows without restarting?

I have MTS on my mobile and I distribute the Internet on a PC, distribution is conducted with DefaultTTL 65 set on the comput ... On linux, I would do something like /ect/init. d/networking restart. How do I change the TTL without restarting on Windows?

Correct redirect to the mobile version of the site

I need to make a correct redirect to the mobile version of the site, if I plan to make it in the form of, if the screen width is <850px

How do I check if my android is connected to wifi?

Need a code: When the user clicks on the button, it checks whether he is connected to the Internet, if not, a message is displayed with two options: connect to the Internet ( settings open) or exit the application.

Java development for iOS (iPhone)? [closed]

Closed. This question should be specified . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... he question, please answer! I really need some information. If you know about the pitfalls of this case, please also write!

Send and receive SMS via PC

I am making an internal software that needs some data that is received via SMS, the client sends the SMS with some informatio ... no matter what programming language you need to know for such an operation, if you need to learn a new one I see no problems.

What programming language to create Android applications?

What programming language is used to create most Android mobile applications? Such as Tab applications, questions, etc...

React error-native run-android

I installed react-native-cli, android sdk and the emulator of android . I managed to do the init of the project but when I ... d have set up your Android development environment: '

Hide address bar on mobile devices

Is there a way to hide the address bar in mobile browsers?

Is it possible to create an application in C/C++ for Android?

I want to create an application for Android using the C or C++language. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

Is it possible to develop mobile multiplatform using Java?

I am migrating My Apps development to Java to build native apps for Android. I would like to expand my apps to other platforms such as iOS and Windows Phone. Is it possible to do this with Java ?

After all PhoneGap (Apache Cordova) really compiles the applications in pure native code?

Does PhoneGap (Apache Cordova) actually compile the applications in pure native code or does it act as a layer between a brow ... the code (HTML5 + CSS + JavaScript) produced in it into native code of each S. O. (accessing the API without intermediaries)?

What is Native Script?

I recently read about Native Script, wanted to know a little more about and how it works. What is Native Script? What are the advantages? How does it work? Is it worth using? While your learning curve?

White screen when loading the app in Android Studio

I'm using visual studio for creating a mobile app. I used the command "Ionic cordova run android" to load my application int ... plication, but the screen is blank. Android Studio 3.0.1 Note: does not show errors on my console. Right now, thank you!

Difference between operating system and mobile platform

I looked for this information elsewhere, but could not get clarification on this. I would like to know what is the difference ... Android operating system, but I also hear Android platform, which makes me think they are the same thing. Can anyone clarify?

Different responsiveness between browsers (Webkit & Mozilla)

I use Bootstrap 3 in my project. I used Mozilla throughout the creation process, and responsive design works great on it and ... at in Chrome, navbar didn't even get to the point of hiding links and displaying a burger menu. How can I solve this? Thanks.

How to detect a mobile device in Javascript?

I have a web application with AngularJS, where I need to know if the user is on a mobile device to improve their experience, ... g question is what should I test to detect any type of mobile device? How should the implementation of isMobile() look like?

Open my App from a link sent via email

I am trying to get the user, when clicking on the link received via email, to be redirected to a specific view of my application. It would be something like: 'myapp://app-custom-path'. I'm using Ionic. Could anyone give me a light?

Carousel does not load the second image on the mobile in the portrait position

Hello, I have a carousel on my site that is the basis to show my products, it works well on pc (shows 4 images in sequence) ... </div> Could anyone help me with this detail? Is this way on the mobile, on the right is an empty space.