
Sending files from a website to Google Drive

I'm looking for a solution to the problem on the Internet, maybe someone can tell me here. The situation is this, a Google fo ... for me, the data is entered in the table, and the files do not fall into the folder, I changed 2 idishnik tables and folders

Identical sector names in the Google Sheets chart

Let's say I have a table with the columns 'car brand', 'car model', 'quantity'. I build two charts from this data. One shows ... wo duplicates of 'Nisan'. How do I make it so that there are three sectors in this diagram and they correspond to the brands?

Why does a Google 2000 page need an object on the page?

Heart. And what is this script for? <script> new{profile: 'UA-12481063-1'}); </script>

Android maps are not displayed

When you start the app, it turns on normally, the map control buttons appear, zoom in, zoom out, but instead of the map itsel ... ч"></meta-data> I downloaded someone else's app, but it still doesn't work. Running on HTC sensation, version 4.0.3

Direct link to the. mp3 file uploaded to google drive

We need an algorithm for getting a direct link to a file, namely. mp3 uploaded to google drive. The link should look like thi ... wn the origin of the file, please help. This is necessary for the service, and I want to use google drive as a file storage.

How do I get directions to multiple google maps api points?

Please help with this problem: When building a route between two points, everything works correctly(we delete markers by clic ... } console.log(markerArr); directionsDisplay.setMap(null); routing(); }

Google Disk as an image storage server for your app

I am interested in the following question: can I use the Google Disk service to host images for my application? There will be ... ctly and will Google have any complaints about me as a user of them services? I hope for your answers. Thanks for attention.

Google speed page

My task is to make this site in the green zone in Google speed page, and now it is in the red zone. Removed everything that i ... ix this please?

Google at i/o 2013 presented Fused location provider, now only use it?

In general, what kind of fruit is extremely little known and there is no information on it on the Russian-language Internet, ... it would be great if everyone would speak out about what they understand by Fused location provider and how it can be used.

What can I write in C++?

Here they say that there is a lot of C code in Google/Yandex, and I wonder what exactly they write there? What libraries and ... thing other than console applications in C++ and preferably under unix. Which way to look ? ( just not Qt - I didn't like it)

Using Google maps instead of Bing WP7?

Hello! Broke my whole head. How to use google maps instead of bing maps. As I understood kotrol is used by the same Microsoft ... ole problem is that bing does not support Russian, but uses the Latin alphabet... Thank you so much for reading the question!

Javascript: loading images from

Good day guru, please tell me how to display for example 4 images on the screen, here is the original: <script src="http:/ ... php for ($i = 0; $i<4; $i++) { echo '<img id="img'.$i.'" width="100" alt="[KEY]" title="[KEY]">'; } ?> Here is

Google Sheet: COUNTA doesn't work properly

Hello everyone I have two tables. I am trying to calculate the number of unique requests for a certain month. It seems that t ... "; " Appeal!A2:A")>=DATEVALUE ("01/12/2019"); importRange ("1v8rcgtzxX3UHL76XlqWm1Jmxp5b8O4qZ9MnFGetf1JM"; " Appeal!A2:A")

Google Chrome Extensions

There are such files manifest.json { "manifest_version": 2, "name": "domchel", "description": "domchel", "version" ... k сhrome.tabs.executeScript(id,{code:"init("+counter+")"}) I'm doing something wrong....who knows this topic well, tell me

Selenium - Failed to log in to your Google account, what to do?

I'm trying to use Selenium to log in to a Google account using C#. Encountered a problem (the browser opens, the driver is us ... Authorization by, user agents were exposed - to no avail. How can this issue be resolved?

Checking the domain for a ban

Is there any API or something similar for checking the domain for a ban in Google / cloudflare, preferably in php

Accessing page variables from the Google Chrome extension

On the Steam user page, there is a javascript code like <script type="text/javascript"> g_rgProfileData = {"url":" ... ain script when trying to get the variable STEAMID = document.getElementsByName("steamid_jackrv").value; I get undefinded

How to find the image (coordinates) of an object in Google Street View

For example, I have a photo of an object in the city N, I want to find the location of this object in the Google Street View ... the streets through Google Street View in search, but how to do it quickly? To eventually find the coordinates of this place?

How to make an APK file

How to make an APK file if I have the project itself.

How to download a file from google drive in the console

How do I download a file from google drive in the console? wget does not allow this. Previously, you could do this: Let's sa ... ing form:[ID] Example of the wget command: wget -O file[ID]