
Non-integer number of pixels in the layout

How to set the size of an element when writing html code in a non-integer number of pixels, namely in an integer and an infinite decimal fraction (for example, (100/3)%)?

How to make a smooth erase on the edges of svg

How to make a smooth erase at the line ends as in the screenshot using svg? I only got it like this, but the ends are not rub ... 3.000 17.403,22.656 49.000,6.000 C81.878,-11.331 129.000,15.000 129.000,15.000 "/> </g> </g> </svg>

Horizontal scroll bar at the table column HTML CSS JS

How can I add horizontal scrolling to the table's yachkeyka? it turns out to make only a vertical one. HTML code: <table&g ... lls have a fixed width I use a fixed width, defining it as a percentage. And for some reason it doesn't work with percentages

Rotating an SVG circle with a group element

I would like to rotate the SVG circle without letting the other elements rotate When I try to rotate a circle (white) using ... th stroke="#000" stroke-width="1px" d="M1100 495 1100 675"></path> </g> </g> </svg>

How do I make an underscore in the middle?

Hello everyone. You need to do this thing (the yellow line): Https://i.stack.imgur.com/0k91s.png I did it like this: .hover_l ... } It turns out like this. The link is not full-width, but the line itself is full-width: Https://i.stack.imgur.com/j5819.png

Convert HTML font to SVG curves

Similar questions were asked in these topics: Converting text to path How do I draw the letter S? Everything is clear from th ... Question: And if you don't have a vector editor at hand, is there another way to get letter outlines using SVG curves?

How do I align a diva vertically centered inside another diva?

The tables have a vertical alignment property valign. How can you align the content vertically in the center in divs? Provided that the outer div and the inner div with the contents do not have a constant height.

I can't center the list in HTML using CSS

I decided to make a nice list, Googled, copied the code, I adjust it for myself. Here, in fact, is the code itself: /* ... ed in one line, which does not suit me. I would like to see a universal property, because often you have to center something.

Textarea tag - adding an editor

Hello. In the course of my work, I had this problem. I have a form that has a textarea tag. I need to attach a small editor o ... as here on Forum. I will be very grateful if someone will help me with advice on how to implement this. Thank you very much.

The video tag doesn't work

I try to add a video but it doesn't reflect it Tried it in different ways, maybe you need to add special settings? <video ... " loop="true" muted="muted" controls> <source src="../src/img/blow/test.mp4" type='video/mp4' /> </video>

Click on the Iframe, in the non-Iframe fields

Is it possible to implement this? Iframe 500px by 500px, wrapped in a div that is 1000px by 1000px. I click on any part of th ... ; <iframe width="500px" height="500px" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pCKDrDvaOKE"></iframe></div>

Same for textarea

Script: $(function(){ $('input[title].mi').bind({ focus: function() { if ($(this).attr('title') == $( ... about jQuery? Please help me. It will be good if it is an addition to the first script, but you can have two different ones.

How do I make it darken when I hover over an image and the text inside it appears?

I searched the entire Internet, but I didn't find anything useful. The meaning is simple: when you hover the mouse over the image, it should darken slightly. And the text appeared inside the image block. Please help me.

Arrangement of multiple div-s in one line

Please tell me how you can arrange several div-s in one line in such a way that even if their total width exceeds the width of the container, they still do not move to a new line, but simply crop the div-s that do not fit.

How do I make the border-bottom full-width, but the content at max-width: 1200px?

I want to make the border-bottom the entire width of the screen, and the content was only in the specified width. The pictur ... v class="case"> <header> <div class="logo"> Logo </div> </header> </div>

Getting a css icon

Https://www.vk.com//images/icons/doc_icons.png - there are icons here, for example, you need to use the third icon. I figured out the last one { height: 60px; width: 60px; }, and if I try 120 x 120, I get three icons.

HTML+CSS structure (header+menu+aside+main+footer)

Can someone explain how to place blocks (Aside1,Aside2, Main,Aside3)In a string like in the picture, only using Float Thanks!

Blurring the background for a modal window

The problem is not super complicated and in the example I will describe one solution, as well as its disadvantages. I would l ... y smooth, is not an easy task. Maybe someone has thoughts or a ready-made solution for the " ideal" blurring the background?

Placing a div in html

I started writing a website in html and ran into a problem I can't do anything to make the menu(the words "Home""Politics", e ... gt; <div class="fixed-container"> <div class="menu1">Туризм</div> </div> </div>

z-index does not work, what is the error, last child

Hello everyone, it is not possible to correctly insert the salad corner in the blocks, what is the problem I do not understan ... color: transparent; box-shadow: none; background-image: none; } } } }