
how to open a second modal window from one modal window

I ran into a problem with modal windows, namely, a problem where when I click in one modal window, the second one should "fal ... modal window at the same level as the first modal window: How hang the second one on top of the first one I don't understand

Content is not displayed in the Bootstrap 4 modal window

The site previously worked on bootstrap 3, after it was updated to version 4 of Bootstrap, modal windows stopped working in i ... e in the code inspector. How to make a "type of migration" or can someone be able to direct/help solve this problem. Thanks.

Blurring the background for a modal window

The problem is not super complicated and in the example I will describe one solution, as well as its disadvantages. I would l ... y smooth, is not an easy task. Maybe someone has thoughts or a ready-made solution for the " ideal" blurring the background?

Open html page in modal

I have the following html pages: cadastroclient, Cadastral address and Cadastral contact . In my cadastroclient I have t ... para o modal abrir com o conteudo html da minha pagina cadastrocontato? }); I'm using jquery.js, bootstrap.JS and php.

use bootstrap modal window overlay

Good Morning, friends. I am using a button to call a bootstrap modal far, no problem. Inside this modal window I ... t" data-dismiss="modal">Fechar</button> </div> </div> </div> </div>

How to display the value of a variable in a bootstrap Modal with PHP?

I have a form that does a calculation, inserts into the bank and returns the value through a alert. I would like to replace ... ickly returns to normal. I believe the modal is being called, but in some snippet it bugs and closes. How can I solve this?

Close modal bootstrap automatically when submit Form

I have a bootstrap modal whose same has a form for contact: HTML: Thank you! Your form has been submitted successfully a ... also like to ask why the alert takes (about 10 Seconds) to appear on the screen. Is it because I'm Using ajax on localhost?

Video continues to play when modal closes

I created a modal that opens when clicking on an image, within this modal will have a youtube video and a small description o ... $(".text").on("click", function() { player.playVideo(); }); Also seems to not work, both to start playback and to pause.

problem calling modal

I'm starting to learn about modal, so I looked for some examples and found one that would help me in what I need, however, th ... from the database (without the modal it works perfectly). the delete function.php is working perfectly without the modal.**

Delete record from Bootstrap modal window

I'm trying to delete a record from the Bootstrap modal window, but it's not working. See how I did it: By clicking the Del ... detected that it is as if the modal window and the onclick event of the delete class are competing. Could you give me a hand?

Bootstrap Modal" data-dismiss "bugging with position=" absolute"

I'm adding a customizing close button in bootstrap's modal. I want it on the right of modal, for this I gave a position: abs ... iv> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> How can I solve that?

Increasing modal size using bootstrap and html

I have a certain modal responsible for displaying some content of the site, but the content can not adeaquar the screen of th ... ="conteudoModal"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div>

Specific confirmation Modal

<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger alert-confirm m-b-10" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'example', 'try', ' ... function(){ swal("Apagado!", "A Informação foi apagada permanentemente.", "success"); }); };

Create a modal with jQuery only / JavaScript

I have a view retrieval string , where it will bring the following message: we will send password recovery information ... simplify to a modal that would do the same query through a JSON. My question is how to create this kind of modal. Example:

Bootstrap Modal data insertion with PHP OO

I am developing a client registration screen with PHP OO but due to my inexperience I have encountered difficulties in listin ... ome ways, but I didn't understand how to use it for that purpose. Could you help me and if possible exemplify how I do this?

Modal window(s) opening at the same time or at different times

I need to make a system that opens "modals" while browsing the site, informing some things, windows on the right side at the ... the example, One image is better than 1000 words heheheh Olha Ali Baixo "there are 10 people looking at this hotel"...

I can't create a modal with html

I'm trying to open a simple modal using HTML: .modal:target { opacity: 1; pointer-events: auto; } .modal > ... </div> </body> </html> But the same only returns me the text, and not a fashion.

How to take the value of a select and fill in an input?

<?php $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("Failed to connect with database!!!!"); mysql_select_db ... iv> </form> </div> </div> </body> </html>

Is there any function in R that helps me locate the fashions of a multimodal dataset?

Something like Find fashion (Dataset,N_majores_modas)? I am working with the following integers: c (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,7,8, ... e N of fashion and then compare these variables N of fashion? I'm trying to develop the code for this but I still could not.

Calling an HTML file inside a lightbox modal [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... ntSlide(4)" alt="Northern Lights"> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>