
How do I change the background by clicking on the button?

How can I change the background image by clicking on the button? I only managed to make the background color change. I'm new ... Color();">Click</button> </div> <script src="app.js"></script> </body> </html>

How do I change the font via?

There is HTML with approximately the following code <label class="select">Выберите шрифт</label> <sele ... he value of the CSS variable (I just recently started working on ВЕБ-ом, so I don't search at all in CSS, HTML, or JavaScript

Masonry CSS without using columns

Does anyone know how to create a masonry product catalog? I did it using columns, but this option is not suitable, because the products are in a column and not in a row and when sorting, the sequence

How to make a rubber background

How do I make the main background rubber? For example, like here here.

Auto-fit, auto-resize images under DIV

There is a div with the .img-container class and a picture inside. <div class="img-container"> <img src="http:// ... t will change the size)? Similar to CSS for DIV: .img-container { background-size: cover; width: x; height: y; }

container-fluid does not stretch to the full width

Can't figure out where I went wrong? I use the "container-fluid" class, but the container does not stretch to 100% of the scr ... ver::after { -webkit-transform: translateY(29px) scale(1); transform: translateY(29px) scale(1); }

How do I make such a 2.5 d background?

2.5 d background on the page how can I do this?

Drop-down menu when hovering over the entire width of the screen

Https://codepen.io/Dasha_Novikova/pen/mdyOwXN Good evening. I have a drop-down menu when hover. How to make a full-width dro ... function(){ $('.drop-down__mega-menu').css('display','block'); } ); Tell me how to do it correctly and better?

opacity at hover

HTML: <div class="prof_foto"><img src="{foto}" alt="" /></div> <div class="prof_isonl"> <div class="prof_off">Оффлайн</div> </div> How do I hover over .prof_foto to make opacity: 0.7 y .prof_off?

Disabling hover

I mean in css hover. I'm trying to turn it off in jquery: $(this).off("mouseenter mouseleave"); $(this).unbind("mouseenter mouseleave"); I tried 2 ways. Both don't work. Why?

How do I change the size of an svg icon (html,css)?

Код html: <div class="header-logo"><img src="img\logo.svg" alt=""> </div> Код css: .header-logo { width: 30px; height: 30px; }

How to change the color of an embedded SVG image in base64 format

The finished library uses a built-in SVG image in the format: background-image: url(' ... HJlZj0iI3JheiIvPg0KPC9nPg0KPC9nPg0KPC9zdmc+'); I would like to change the colors used in the image. How can this be done?

Changing the properties of a layer when you hover the cursor over it

Let's say there is an example: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DT ... </body> </html> How do I make the entire layer (and not part of it) change color when the cursor hovers over it?

How to add SVG code to wordpress

I have an SVG animation: var lineDrawing = anime({ targets: '#lineDrawing path', strokeDashoffset: [anime.setDash ... de in the right block instead of yoga. Perhaps someone knows how easy it is to find the path to the files? Code on codepen

I can't insert an image in css

I did everything on one video. I did everything exactly, exactly But already in the beginning there were problems with t ... <section> <div class="container"> </div> </section> </body> </html>

How can I change the styles of another element when hovering over one element?

How do I make it so that when hovering over one element (hover), change the styles of another element? Can this be done only ... block to become a different color. How to record it? It doesn't work that way: .block:hover { .block h1 { color: red;} }

How to block the download of images on the site

Good day to all! Tell me how to make it so that you can not download images from the site, that is, when you click on the image with the right button, you can not do - "Save the image as.."

Bootstrap 5 how to highlight input (make the stroke red) when an error occurs?

Previously, I had no significant experience with bootstrap, while I thought that such elementary things are in it. I need to ... tly the stroke. If this action is usually done using a popular JavaScript plugin, then what is this plugin and how to use it?

Bootstrap layout preview with images

You need to make a small preview of 6 images on bootstrap 4, so that the height of the first and last image occupies two bloc ... <img src="1.png" class="rounded"/> </div> </div> </div> </div>

Isolated HTML container

Is it possible to create a div block without a frame, in which you can put html code with unknown style tags that will only w ... he email, but it does not work on the entire page? If this is possible, how do I do it? What is the best way to implement it?