
How do I display an image without squares (transparent background)?

How can I display a picture that would not have squares of transparent background, as, for example, here?https://wapp-dev.s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/1581588097410_audi.png

div elements in one line

How to arrange div elements in one line? .div1 { display: inline; } <div class="div1"> <img .... > &l ... ;div class="about"> image3 </div> </div> Then the div1 elements start again on a new line. what should I do?

Single line items

Tell me, plizz, I'm not very good at HTML, I need a tag like an attachment or a space (so that it is in one line) like this And then I have this looks like Thank you in advance!

Styling the drop-down list

There was a question about the styling of the list of option elements There is a drop-down list with 6 option elements inside ... "title_shops">Answer 6 content</p> </div> </div> </div> Https://jsfiddle.net/yvd6e5uc/1/

Arrow on pure css

You need to make such an arrow in css.the height of the arrow is 10px.

Whether they are the same.fadeOut () and css ("display", " none")

I started working with jQuery. When I click the button, the div "pops up" on top of all the other elements of the page, and I ... .fadeOut and. css () (which in my case) do one thing and the same thing?) P.S if anything, don't swear, I'm just a newbie)

Div width by content

Hello, dear layout experts! Tell me pliz cross-browser solution for setting the width of the div by the content of the child ... шириной</span> </div> How do I set the width l0_b1 = = to the width l1_s1? PS. Very desirable without js hacks.

The appearance of text and effects when you hover over the block

Tell me how to organize in css the appearance of text and effects from nowhere when the mouse hovers over an object, i.e. whe ... of an object, etc., i.e. change its style, but how do I create text on the block or internal borders, buttons, as an effect?

How to make your own check mark with rounded corners for the radio input (input) CSS

How do I make such a check mark for as in the picture (the first one on the top left), but with rounded corners? <input type='radio' /> Exactly the check mark is rounded.

HTML / header & nav tag

Hello everyone. Here was given the task to write a website. who was interested In HTML, I am a fish, a cucumber and a self-t ... > </body> </html> In CSS, only the background on body #151515 Sorry in advance for my stupism ~(- . - ~

Do devices with Retina screens reduce the size of the elements?

Somewhere I read that on retina screens the images are do not change their physical size (do not decrease/increase), but simp ... under the same conditions in 2 times less. Source The more articles I read on this topic, the more and more confused I get)

How to adapt a website for mobile devices?

How do I adapt the site to all mobile devices?

animate - how to change the background-color

Hello, tell me why it is not possible to change the css property background-color with animate in JQuery? Jquery code: $("#on ... id green;"> </div> Properties such as height, width changes without problems, but the background color can not.

Placeholder style

There is a form How to change the color of the placeholder attribute

Change the text color when overlaying the background

There is such a code: .col { margin-left: 50%; background-color: #000; height: 500px; width: 500px; posi ... part of the text be made white? I tried mix-blend-mode, gray in different shades, but there is no way to make the text white.

How do I style the title attribute?

Hello, everyone. It is necessary that when you hover over an element, for example, <button></button>, a hint pops ... d using css? I searched in Yandex, but I didn't find it... I was looking for this query: "How to style the title attribute"?

How to make the text not stand out

I have a div, it has a onclick handler, but there is text on the div and it is sometimes highlighted. How do I make it not stand out? Preferably via css.

Apply.css in jQuery to a pseudo-element:before

Good afternoon. Is it possible in jQuery to apply the .css() method to a pseudo-element added via :before? div:befor ... idth: 73px; height: 23px; opacity: .8; //хочу менять opacity до .2 при наведении на div } <div>Блок</div>

Stretch the div content across the entire page

Hello, dear, the following task has appeared: stretch the contents of the div block to the full height of the screen, in othe ... not work correctly... The image goes out of the screen at the same time also overlapping the lower text. Tell me what to do?

HTML & CSS drop-down text

Hello everyone, how to make sure that when you click on the text, another text appears below. As in the screenshot