
Convert the date to a string format with the number of days

The DataFrame has a column with values in the following format: 507 days 00:00:00. I need the output to have a value of just 507. I came across .strftime(), but how to apply it here is not very clear.

Iterating through dataframe strings in Pandas (Python)

You need to write a function that will take each row of the dataframe, and return the column names (with a value of 1) as a l ... the same initially, but I can't think of how to swap the list of columns and df[i]. As a result, I wandered into a dead end.

Pandas error: KeyError: "None of [Index (['Binary'], dtype= 'object')] are in the [columns]"

CSV file table: Binary 16_bit 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 10 2 3 11 3 4 ... ry'] y = dataset['16_bit'] print(x) Mistake: KeyError: "None of [Index(['Binary'], dtype='object')] are in the [columns]"

How to fill in NaN if one value is possible?

Let's imagine a table of two columns in a dataframe: 0 NaN 0 NaN 0 1 1 0 1 5 1 NaN 2 0 0 NaN 0 1 2 1 2 NaN 3 NaN 3 500 3 N ... y the only non - NaN value on the right? Desired result: 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 5 1 NaN 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 NaN 3 500 3 500 3 500

Replacing values with NaN

I work with a table of data that has both positive and negative values. How can I replace all positive values in a certain column with NaN? I tried it like this: df.loc[df['days_employed'] > 0, 'days_employed'] = "NaN" But I got an error.

How does sort values work for multiple columns in Pandas?

There is a DataFrame that can be sorted using df.sort_values(by = 'Name'), where Name is the name of the column by which we s ... ne', 'two']) How do we get this? one two three 2 1 2 3 1 1 3 4 3 1 4 2 0 2 1 5

How do I add a new column with a category as a result of grouping the previous ones?

There is a DataFrame with columns 'floor' and 'floors_total'. I need to add a separate column with their grouping: 'First', ' ... re not correct in most cases (they do not fit the 'floor' == 'floors_total' condition). Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Get a list of words in the text and the frequency of their repetition, and enter the result in a DataFrame

There is a text file with the following text: "Example example for python for test". Case-insensitive, i.e. Пример = пример Y ... frequency) of the type: пример 2 для 2 питона 1 теста 1 And put all this in DF, 1 column : "word", 2 column : "frequency"

Converting Pandas Timestamp to string

There is a parser code: import io from zipfile import ZipFile import pandas as pd def read_zip(zip_fn, extract_fn=None): ... o write to the database. But Timestamp does not write correctly to the DB, because of this I will have to convert to string.

When reading a csv file, Pandas does not split the data, but leaves it in the first column

I try to split the data, but pandas leaves everything in the first column. df = pd.read_csv('testdata.csv',sep=',',encoding = ... tach a link to a file that I can't read. Https://

Convert Pandas.The series obtained as a result of grouping, in Pandas. DataFrame

I have a question when working with a table in Pandas. I get everything below #достали из базы данных табличку ... м - 110 17:46 Карп жареный - 240 UPD: I tried to do as in the answer to the question

Adjusting columns in pivot tables pandas

Colleagues, help us correct the columns in the dataframe: Original dataframe: Регистрационный номер Год Наименование ... 87645.0 3487569 How to make it so that the name of the column "Value" is removed, and Fixed assets Assets, Stocks remain.

How do I change the date format in a DataFrame?

The table contains data in the format: datetime64[ns]. In this case, the string has the form: 02.03.2020 0:00:00. How can I convert the entire column to the date format: 02.03.2020?

Getting an element from a MultiIndex DataFrame tuple

I am studying the question whether it is possible to get a specific element from the MultiIndex tuple. I have a DataFrame w ... ike this: idclient=example.index['ID'] That is, get a specific element index by the column name, not by the element slice.

How can I skip the first lines when creating a DataFrame from 'pd. read csv'?

When creating a DataFrame from pd.read_csv, you need to skip the first 13 lines so that the title is: Pen Number; Date; Value ... 8310,406250 0;"2019-10-01 14:38:46";88310,421875 0;"2019-10-01 14:47:29";88324,812500 0;"2019-10-01 14:47:29";88324,820313

How do I add new records to a SQL Server table with the AUTO INCREMENT / IDENTITY column?

There is a CSV file with completely matching columns with an existing SQL Server database table, except for one - in SQL Serv ... ql+pyodbc://имя_юзера:пароль@мой_дсн') датафрейм.to_sql("[dbo].[название_таблицы]", engine, index=False, if_exists="append")

How do I find the average value for each id over 12 periods for each column?

There is such data from a CSV file: How to find the average value of future_0...future_49 for 12 periods for each id? CSV file with data.

Convert exponential notation to normal notation

I have the following dataset: month Sku Amount Profit Spasaniya Margin 5 136.555556 10046 ... ofit,2). But the other options are very, very welcome, plus I want to know how to avoid this without additional manipulation.

Error ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence

I have a problem when using the Pandas and Matlotlib libraries import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dfr = pd ... , line 897, in astype_nansafe return arr.astype(dtype, copy=True) ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.

Converting pd. Series to pd. Dataframe of a specific format

There is a one-dimensional array b b = pd.Series( [110.0, 120.0, Horsepower] [150.0, 175.0, Horsepower] [1351.0, 1601.0, Cap ... 0 150 175 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1351 1601 0 0 12 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1601 1751