
Docker and Genymotion how to reconcile and make the emulator work on Windows?

I installed Docker on Windows. After that, the Android Genymotion emulator stopped working. On startup, I see the error Af ... work? UPD: standard the emulator in Android Studio started for the first time but no longer works(black screen at startup).

How do I log in to MySQL Server in Docker container?

I built an image based on this Dockerfile: docker build . --tag my ... if it is ready mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=/healthcheck.cnf ping else # Initialization still in progress exit 1 fi

Close port 8080 on the docker + nginx front

Tell me how to close the port on which the backend is running, so that it is not available from the front. The nginx docker s ... uest domain. com: 8080 does not give anything at the front. but at the same time so that the server works on this 8080 port ?

How do I specify a different installation directory when installing Docker Desktop for Windows?

Does "Docker Desktop" have Installer.exe " command-line options for specifying the installation directory? Or point to the documentation, on I didn't find it.

vmware + ubuntu + docker = black screen. Why?

Windows 10 Host OS I use VMware.Workstation.15.Pro.v15.5.1 Creating a virtual machine based on ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop I pu ... nd launch. Then again, the black screen and so on in a circle. What could be the reason? Thank you in advance for your help!

How do I install Docker on Centos 6.10?

Executed commands to install Docker on Centos 6: # yum install epel-release # yum install docker-io In the terminal, the dock ... I want to run these commands # service docker start # service docker status # chkconfig docker on Writes unrecognized service

permission denied in docker

Created a simple Dockerfile: FROM golang EXPOSE 8080 80 443 # Set pwd to the go folder WORKDIR ${GOPATH} RUN apt-get upda ... 16:29 main.go drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Feb 28 08:13 migrations drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 4096 Feb 20 08:26 templates

Nginx proxying api requests does not work as I expect

I have a backend server on express and a reverse proxy on nginx. On the way static is given, and on the way exam ... GET request from /'}); }); app.get('/api', function (req, res) { res.send({testApi: 'Got a GET request from /api'}); });

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/boot/SpringApplication + Docker

I tried to run the application on docker, but I can't overcome the error C:\Users\Мася\Desktop\my-personal-diary>docker ru ... t;/plugins> </build> </project> What's under the comments are my attempts to fix the situation Help pj!

Redis server is not raised in the container

I run the following command: docker run --rm -ti -p 6379:6379 redis:5.0.6 redis-cli I receive this message: Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused not connected> What could be the reason?

VPN tunnel inside traefik

I have docker-compose with reverse-proxy traefik1. 7 to it. I want to organize OpenVPN{[4] inside the network]} tunnel. How ... - "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:***" - "traefik.port=12939" - ""

How to correctly specify docker-compose volume for create-react-app so that the local folder and the folder from the image are synchronized

The folder structure looks like this: Dockerfile for backend: FROM python:3.8 ENV PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE 1 ENV PYTHONUNBUF ... build The build folder appears in the container, but not on the locale. Tell me how to implement this correctly, thank you!

Docker, nginx, phpmyadmin. How does php-fpm understand which folder the script is in?

There is the following nginx.conf setting: server { listen 80; server_name localhost; location ^~ /phpmyadmin { ... n't specify it? Could it be such that the default path is specified in the container? Using phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin:fpm-alpine

How do I find a php. ini that reads Docker?

When trying to contact the mysql database using $this->pdo = new PDO($dsn, $this->user, $this->password, $opt); T ... hp.ini file, but I can't find it in any way. phpInfo looks like this : Tell me how to find php. ini? P.S. Docker on Windows

How to work with docker on windows?

What you need: linux environment for comfortable creation of containers for your projects. I would like to do this as simply ... ase correct it. Somewhere you can look at the ready-made configuration, or do you need to install everything from scratch ?

After installing Docker, VirtualBox does not work

After installing Docker, a warning came out that VirtualBox would stop working, removed Docker, as now back on VirtualBox. In ... X_NO_VMX). Error code: E_FAIL (0x80004005) Component: ConsoleWrap Interface: IConsole {872da645-4a9b-1727-bee2-5585105b9eed}

docker-compose version 2 how to link containers?

Here is the docker-compose configuration.yml version: '2' services: web: build: . ports: - "3030:3000" d ... c ADD app/package.json /src/package.json RUN npm install ADD app/nodemon.json /src/nodemon.json EXPOSE 3000 CMD npm start

How to optimize the deployment via docker-compose?

We implemented the deployment via GitLab CI and docker-compose. During the deployment process, the file docker-compose.yml an ... /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf Dockerfile for the mysql service FROM mysql:5.7 HEALTHCHECK CMD mysqladmin ping --silent

What does the VOLUME statement in Dockerfile do?

I can't understand what the VOLUME ["/data"] instruction does in Dockerfile, at first I thought that this is an analog of the ... what is the best and correct way to connect a directory with data, for example, a database to a container? Via the -v option?

Docker vs Vagrant

There is a need for the team to use a local environment that is identical or close to the real product. I have experience usi ... , MySQL, perhaps in the near future, processing of task queues will be added. For manuals or articles, I will be grateful.