
Linux graphical shell and package manager removed

I downloaded the Synaptic program today, as I could not install the program due to problems with the package manager. The pro ... ugh a super user. If anyone knows what to do, please tell me. I would not like to reinstall the system. Thank you in advance.

How do I change the theme in Elementary OS?

Is there an application like "Themes" with linux mint, only for elementary? Thanks)

In Unity3d on Elementary OS (Linux), the content of windows goes into the invisibility zone

Has anyone encountered that on Linux Unity3d in windows Hirarhy, Project Settings, Inspector the content goes a little into t ... e window itself) and you have to stretch these windows every time to change a parameter, etc. How to deal with this problem?

How do I install Elementary OS (or any Ubuntu-based distribution) without installing GRUB?

There are certain problems with installing GRUB on my laptop, so I will use a different bootloader.

Lags the video in Google Chrome

I have Elementary OS Juno 5.0 installed, based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Problem: After installing Google Chrome, when playing v ... (for example, just an article), you will not see it because it is lagging or not: p So, the problem is definitely in Chrome..