
Character Death from enemy Unity 2D

There is an enemy under the tag "mouse" and also a code, when the hero just touches the "mouse" in any way, it disappears (mo ... ero himself dies in a horizontal collision from the mouse, but at the same time the hero can kill him by jumping on his head.

Working with Dictionary in conjunction with GameObject

For my game of the "get out of the room" type, I want to create hints that appear when you click on the button with a questio ... more Dictionaries with the name of the variable and the name of the script itself (the keyword will be the same in all cases)

How to build an apk file in Unity

Hi everyone, I'm new to Untiy. The problem is this... I want to make an apk file via Building Setting in Unity, but I don't have a Build button, I have Export instead.What to do, please tell me.

Object movement together with the Unity 2D camera

I'm making a 2D top-down game on unity. There was the following problem, I have control fingers left-right, there are borders ... amera, and then the camera together with the object to the opposite edge. I hope the essence of the problem is clear. Thanks.

Unity. How to make a player interaction zone with objects (2d platformer)?

I'm new to Unity, please don't throw your sneakers. The game is based on Unity, a simple 2d platformer. I want to make a tran ... but I absolutely can't think of how to implement such a construction. Please tell me, if not difficult, then in more detail.

Unity Object Spawn via coroutine

void Update() { StartCoroutine(SpawnBox(10)); } IEnumerator SpawnBox(float time) { PhotonNetw ... es it spawn a lot and not wait ? I want to make it spawn one object and wait 10 seconds, and so cyclically How do I do this ?

How do I rotate an object around its axis?/Unity3d

There is a ball that I want to rotate around its axis forward . The question itself would be very easy, if not for one but. ... } The only way out I see is to change the mechanics of movement, but how? //Rotating the animation is probably a bad idea.

Cloning the GameObject Unity class

I want to clone in a script GameObject without it appearing on the scene(so Instantiate won't do) GameObject prefab = ne ... variant = // Волшебное клонирование prefab // Тут variant и prefab совершенно идентичны, но ссылаются на разные объекты

Problem with Quaternion in unity

I make a 2d shooter, the gun turns depending on the cursor, if we press the lmb, then a bullet is created, which takes the ar ... output a number that does not reach one and minus one, i.e. -0.9835, 08953, and so on. (Usually in these values). What to do?

How to implement plants in a Plant vs Zombie type game? Unity

I want to try to make a game like Plants vs Zombies. But I do not understand how best and most correctly to implement plants. ... similar. Maybe learn some new things and suddenly I got stuck on such a question. I hope for help, thank you in advance :)))

Error updating the Android SDK 29

In Google Play, when downloading the apk file, it writes: Change the Api target level 28 to 29 I go to Unity -> in playe ... Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.1.2f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\tools\bin> Who faced such a problem-please help

Unity can't insert an object in the object script field

I have a prefab on which the script hangs. The script has a field for the public GameObject scene; the scene itself has a Sc ... containing this script and at the same time I insert there and all prefabs I save that too result. Help a novice programmer.

How do I assign the "Script" type to a variable and then select it? Unity C#

I have 2 scripts on the object: 1st "Enemy" and 2nd for example "Goblin", the Goblin class is inherited from Enemi and since ... lin" or "Soldier" script, which will call the same function, but different in terms of the content. How to do this correctly?

The architecture of the application(game) on Unity

I started developing games on Unity. When creating it, problems began to arise with the" purity "and" literacy " of the scrip ... n example of such a genre as an isometric shooter: character, zombies, houses, weapons and other charms. Thank you in advance

Stages of creating a computer game on Unity

I write a computer game, but I do not know what is missing, because I collect information in Youtube on courses that the auth ... se needs to be done?) Creating the main menu. We are putting together an ekzeshnik. Please add to my list or write your own.

How do I specifically make a game crash on Unity?

You need to make sure that when you enter the trigger, the game either crashes with an error, or there is a crash. Is it possible to do this somehow?

How are Java and Kotlin going for mobile app and game development?

I've read a bunch of topics on this subject, but there are other questions from me already. What are the advantages of kno ... rm in general can you create games on J. + K.? Is it possible to create 3D games in these languages separately or together?

Spawn of an object in a random unity position

Game 2d. The idea is to write a script that will spawn objects on the axis in a random place on the X axis in the range that ... nt to make the blocks fall down and be a kind of Enemi for the player. I tried to write my own scripts, but they didn't work.

How to access an object via the Unity C# script

There is an object "objBall" - this is an asset, just a ready-made circle. And this object should appear randomly in differen ... he script can be attached to the main camera of the scene for convenience? Or do you need a new script for a separate object?

Unity and Python scripts

I have a question! Is it possible to somehow write scripts for the game on Unity? If so, how?