
Which database should I use for the Android app?

We started making an application similar to blablacar in terms of functionality. The question arose, which database to use?! ... tion to use firestore, but there are also restrictions. Next in line is SQLite, but is it suitable for such an application?!

Failed to connect bank: Connection lost to database-Firebird and Delphi application

I have a server with more than sixty client databases currently operating with Firebird and an application in Del ... ope I was clear, if you need more details, ask me. I will continue to research and test here. I thank you. I'm not waiting.

Convert Varchar to Int or Int to Varchar (SQL Procedure)

In the procedure exitem two fields (Cod_Fabricante (VARCHAR) and Codigo_Fabricante (INT)), a Varchar and an Int, when I make ... _AQUISICAO, :INATIVO, :SERVICO, :DIFER_ICMS, :GRUPO, :UNIDADE, :ENTRADAS, :SAIDAS , :NCM DO BEGIN SUSPEND; END END

Android Studio Firebase not entering data

Does anyone know how to insert data into Firebase Realtime database? My plication gives no errors but does not insert anythin ... ers (user.pegaEmail) to not leave the class fields exposed. I used push () because I want to create a unique id for each one.

Arduino + SIM800L connect to Firebase

Galley, I am putting together a project and need to connect my arduino to firebase. For this I am using a SIM800L, porem my ... te(pinoLed, 1); } else if(ledStatus =="desligado") { Serial.println(ledStatus); digitalWrite(pinoLed, 0); } }

Take the firebase storage download link and save it to a database string to be displayed in cardview via Picasso or similar [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... TH_SHORT).show(); } }); imagem.setImageBitmap(thumbnail); }

Like button with jquery [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... n html with a counter in jquery and somehow record that count in firebase. Does anyone have any idea how I can do it? Thanks.

What is Firebase?

It's been a while since I messed with Android and I haven't had the opportunity to mess with Firebase. However, he is often c ... er all, what is Firebase? Is this a set of technologies? What are your most used features? Could you introduce me to them?