
Which database should I use for the Android app?

We started making an application similar to blablacar in terms of functionality. The question arose, which database to use?! ... tion to use firestore, but there are also restrictions. Next in line is SQLite, but is it suitable for such an application?!

How to catch the menu click event in React Native Drawer Navigation?

I need to pass a parameter to the screen, but I didn't find how to do it. How can I display not just a screen, but a screen w ... и' } } }, { initialRouteName: 'Main' } ) export const AppNavigation = createAppContainer(MainNavigator)

Is Vue native React native?

I plan to start developing mobile applications on the JS framework. Previously wrote on Vue.js. Do I understand correctly tha ... e style? In other words, just a wrapper. Is it worth using VN or just learning from RN? Are there any nuances? Thank you all!

How to implement the execution of a function when a button is clicked in another function and pass a parameter

There are two functions News list "News" and detailed view "NewsDetail" How to implement that when you click on the button in ... <Button title="Подробнее"></Button> </Card> </SafeAreaView> ); }

Dynamic FlatList filling in React Native

There is a FlatList and its elements are represented in an array. You need to fill out the form and add this data to the arra ... </View> ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff', }, });

React native or flutter?

We are starting to write an application for android and iOS. A carsharing type application. After the applications, the site will be prepared. We want to work on react native or flutter. Which one would be more suitable for this task?

Universal link(Android) open in local expo go app

I have react native app which uses expo.I created assetlinks.json file which work fine for production mode, but i cant make i ... ion'; console.log(Application.applicationId) Which log host.exp.exponent after publishing json i Tested and its dont work

Images are not displayed in react-native

I use 0.59 react-native, xocde-11, images are not displayed when the app is released on iOS, and all images are displayed on ... assets folder (not inside the ios folder).The address is style={styles.images} source={require("../../../assets/1-2.jpg")}

Spiking lists in ScrollView

I've been studying React Native for some time and have come to animations, swipes, and other things related to them. Moving t ... aybe there are ready-made components. Thanks for your attention! PS: similar functionality is available in the dodo pizza app

How to integrate a game element into the expo+react-native app

There is a task to integrate the game screen into the business application, which is written in expo+react-native. The logic ... react-game-kit library, but so far the process is moving poorly, and I wrote here in the hope of finding additional ideas.

react-native compile apk

I'm trying to compile an application on react-native from a ready-made turnip what I did: installed java installed the sdk a ... -push-notification-how-to also the same error, I think that something from my SDK is not "that", I'm looking for the reason.

How to make an Apk at React Native expo

How do I make an Apk from a project? I use Expo. No Android, iOS folders.

React Native-ListView

Does the ReactNative ListView accept an array of arrays ? For I need to receive the API data as follows: [[{"userId":1,"use ... valid React element (or null) must be returned. You may have returned undefined, an array or some other invalid object."

React error-native run-android

I installed react-native-cli, android sdk and the emulator of android . I managed to do the init of the project but when I ... d have set up your Android development environment: '

How to log in with Facebook in React Native in the new format?

I have previously made the integration with Facebook in React Native, and for this I changed a few lines of code directly in ... t know the location of the Android folder, I only see that the application now runs on Expo. How do I resolve this login now?

React-native splash scren fabric

I created a component class with my screen of splash. And I want that after a few seconds, the navigation goes to the other s ... re('./img/logonome.png')} style={styles.imgnome} /> </View> </View> ); navigate('chat'); }

Someone knows how to explain the process of generating an apk in React Native

I can not generate an apk at all, I follow the steps of the documentation but right away I can not generate the keytool. Can anyone tell me how it's generated?

How to pass sentences to a variable and then show randomly

Well, I started programming in React Native yesterday and still don't quite understand how to do things.... I need to pass a ... test2 </Text> </TouchableHighlight> </View> </View> ); }

How to send application files to the API

I have an APP in React-native and an API with Laravel The two are communicating correctly, sending data from the APP to ... s from the app to the API I can get the address of the image on the mobile phone But then on I don't know how to proceed

How to save data with AsyncStorage

I am trying to save the mobile data without using a database. I found the AsyncStorage but I am not being able to implement. ... hat follow: Https:// Https://