
Are there components to work with the COM (RS232) port for Delphi XE - XE4

Good vermin day! I decided to somehow get off Delphi7 and go straight to some Delphi XE (1 or 4). And immediately faced with ... ready coped with the transfer or knows other components for working with the COM (RS232) port. Thank you for your attention!

OpenDialog working in a loop

How to process multiple files by opening them via OpenDialog. Added to the code: OpenDialog1.Options := OpenDialog1.Options ... OpenDialog1.Files.Strings[i]; Где CurrentFile: array of string; ///////////////// I do not understand how to correctly ?.

Win Socket API Delphi 6 sending messages over UDP between the client and the server. Why is the client port different in the server and client program?

To make the situation more clear, I post the following screenshot: Understanding UDP and programming the protocol using the ... server from the screenshot, as well as a description of the programs are available at the link:

When will RAD Studio compile Delphi applications for Linux?

It seems that back in 2017, Linux support was announced: ... the site so far, I can't find any packages where this functionality is available. Maybe who knows what?

Theoretical question (Delphi): Is it possible to reduce the size of the final exe file when compiling it, if the TForm descendant removes some of its properties

: (Here at the school "Olympiad" (I did not participate, but I could solve problems, some of them were theoretical) I pulled ... st simplest (well the example is just a form with a button to close it) will not work? : ( If you have time, can you explain?

Delphi Task

program Project4_3; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils; var a:array [1..3, 1..4] of real; b:array [1..3] of real; i,j ... igits after the decimal point the values of the third elements of these two one-dimensional arrays. How to implement it?

How does try... except work?

How does this block work in general? I found a simple code for its use, tied it to the button, but it gives me an error, some ... ShowMessage('number / zero = '+IntToStr(number)); except ShowMessage('Неизвестная ошибка'); end; end;

Cancel HttpSendRequest in WinInet

I omitted part of the code for readability, but the essence, I think, is clear. I call the page loading via WinInet, I hang t ... ); except On E: Exception do Result:= AnsiString('Ошибка! ' + E.ClassName + ': ' + E.Message); end; end; end.

How do I open the driver properties with a single click?

How do I open the driver properties with a single click? Read the paper sizes from the driver and insert them in edit

Search for similar images on the Internet?

How do I search for similar images on the Internet?

How to create a service for Windows

How to create a service for Windows 7 or XP in Delphi 7. If possible, please provide step-by-step instructions in as much detail as possible.

Window collapse animation in Windows 7 and Delphi 7

As you know, in Windows 7, when the effects are enabled, the window does not collapse instantly, but with an animation lastin ... window instantly or add a check that it is 100% invisible? It is desirable that it also works in other versions of Windows.

How do I change the app icon on the taskbar, but not the form?

Can you tell me how to change the icon on the taskbar so that the form icon (form.icon) remains unchanged? Application.Icon.A ... s the icon both there and there. And even if after the change, for example, you forcibly change form.icon, nothing happens...

Plotting in delphi

I'm working on a course paper on solving the equation cos(x) - (4 * x) + 1 = 0 I wrote a program for the solution. How to build a graph based on it?

Coordinates Of The Image. Shooting GALLERY game

Beginner. I want to remake the Shooting Range game (popular in the source code) for my own, instead of Canvas.Pen.Color := c ... 10. Попаданий: ' + IntToStr(p)+'.'); // теперь кнопка и сообщение снова видны end; end; end.

Transparent RichEdit

I have such a question to the experts, is it possible to make the RichEdit component transparent or is it in principle imposs ... to it, but with the transparent property. Maybe someone has ever written a similar component and he can share his experience.

Description of Delphi WebBrowser

Where can I get help for WebBrowser in Delphi. (Description of all functions, properties, etc.) On msdn there is a description only for C, C++ , etc. I didn't find it for Delphi...

Delphi SendMessage

Good afternoon. I run the command line (cmd.exe) and try to send it a message that the Enter key is pressed, I do this: var ... use, this is the name of the window I'm looking for). But this method does not want to work, perhaps there are still options?

Components for working with Excel and Word in Delphi XE(1,2,3)

Good afternoon! In delphi 7, there were good components for working with Excel and Word. Where did these components disappear in the new versions of delphi of the XE line? Where to get them, how to install them to work with them?

Creating a file in Delphi with the specified volume without writing the contents

In the days of Dos, there was such a program balon.exe, could create files of the specified size (although random bytes were ... for torrent clients-the option-allocate space when downloading a file (I'm not sure here). ++We are talking about Win 10 Ltsc