
How do I make the entire block a link?

Can you tell me how to make the entire block div a link? And also apply the pseudo-classes hover, etc.

Doesn't the background SVG display on the page?

I'm trying to use SVG as a background-image for a block, but instead of the background there is an empty block. What could b ..." mask="url(#cat)"> </image> </svg>

semi-transparent lines on the text background

Semi-transparent lines on the background of the text, by the way, this is a template for Django. HTML {% load static %} & ... 21 url("images/background.jpg") no-repeat; background-size: 100%; border:none; } The problem itself At scale 50%

Hyphenate a word to the next line if it doesn't fit in the width

When hyphenating words in a link, its block exceeds the required length on the right. How can I remove this indent so that th ... метолог/Дермотокосметолог/Дермотокосметолог/Дермотокосметолог/Дермотокосметолог/Дермотокосметолог/Дермотокосметолог</a>

Adaptive full-screen height for each block

How do I make the background height stretch when the browser window height increases? Padding is not an option, since the sit ... ition: center background-size: 100% 100% .wraper max-width: 1200px margin: 0 auto .logo display: flex

How to round the edges of a table (border-radius)

<table class="table_block"> <thead> <tr> <td>ID</td> ... first td, and I tried to round up tr. The whole table, of course, does not apply. In general, all in any way. Please help me

How to make a drop-down menu in CSS

Please show me how to create a simple drop-down menu using CSS.

How do I place an svg icon in the center of a circle?

How do I place an svg icon in the center of a circle? .circle { width: 80px; height: 80px; border: 2px solid n ... dius: 50%; background: #e1e1e1; } <div class="circle"> <img src="img/vk-icon.svg" alt="Вк"> </div>

The tag doesn't work

The <a class="btn btn--red" href="#">Find Out More</a> button does not respond to pointing and pressing. Tell me, ... " href="#">Find Out More</a> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

get the url of the page you clicked from

There are 2 pages A.html and B.html On page A, there is a link <a href="B.html>B</a> I try to output the url con ... ows the desired path. console.log(document) -> [object HTMLDocument] What's the catch? How to use it without a web server

How do I wrap text around an image and add a caption to it?

According to this guide, I inserted a picture in my project: ... в. Назовите ближайший город, из которого можно приехать на о. Валаам: </div> </body> </html>

How to remove the stroke when clicking on input

When you click and focus on input, an outline appears. How do I remove it?

Clip path inside the circle?

Is it possible to create an inner circle clip path contour so that the clip path contour effectively cuts a hole through the ... 0px at center); } <div></div> Free translation of the question Clip path inset circle? from member @Rafty.

Attach the menu to the top (without scrolling)

The menu is displayed in the middle of the page(this is necessary for the CEO). How can it be moved by styles to the very top ... ifting the rest of the elements? The markup should not be changed using js. When scrolling, it should also not stick. Thanks.

How do I output text from an html file to a Bitrix php page template?

There is a file /docs/test-text.html on the server.It contains the entry <div class="sample"><p>Пример текста< ... cript in a php template so that this text is already ready, with the applied styles, is displayed on the site page?CMS Bitrix

Double gradient

Sorry for such a stupid question. There is a background image, and according to the layout in this picture there are two grad ... rs of transparent gradient, without resorting to simple editing of the image in the editor. I will be grateful for your help.

Working with HTML and JS files

I create a program and need to solve the problem: The program has a window for selecting a text file, the code: <h1>Вы ... what you can change the value to reach the contents of the file and was unsuccessful. Can you help me? Thank you in advance!

Website layout from psd templates

Hello. There was such a question (mostly a problem). I really want to learn how to make up websites from psd templates. There ... and css is there. Please give a couple of tips in this case. Maybe throw in some resource for reading. Thank you in advance.

How to use CSS or SVG to make a glow around the image when hovering

Here is the layout Here is the HTML <div class="gumb_thumb blue"> <div class="img_2_box"> <img src="ima ... anslate(-50%, 0); transform: translate(-50%, 0); } When applied to the gum, a blue glow should appear. How do I do this?

text-decoration: none; doesn't work for threads

There is an html structure: <a href="#" class="article"> <h3>заголовок</h3> <div class="photo"& ... oration: none; doesn't remove the underscore. I tried to prescribe both to the link and to the descendants, it does not help.