
List index out of range error when parsing the site

This code is available: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS r = requests.get(' ... itle[0].text) In theory, the code should return the list of the top, but in the end I get the error list index out of range

Bold dot for list items in css

How to make a point bold and change its color in a list item using css

How to style input type = "password"?

I need to style input like this How can I do this WITHOUT replacing the input type with text? Thanks!!!

Why is the click event triggered automatically? JS

Faced with such a problem: When you assign an event click to an element when you open a web page, this same click is triggere ... will be triggered anywhere on the screen and call the corresponding function. What is the problem, and how can it be solved?

Data transfer client-server Express, nodejs

I'm trying to transfer data from the client to the server, but I don't understand. HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lan ... I'll try to pass the value from input. Tell me why console. log(name) is not output, I do not understand what is happening!!

Replacing the backdoor-filter

You only need to blur the background of the block. I know there is a backdrop-filter property for this, but it is poorly supp ... : white } <div class="block">adadwd</div> How can I blur only the background of the block in this example?

Alignment of elements inside a div

The topic is probably hackneyed, but there are still misunderstandings. I'm trying to make up a window with div-s. The result ... margin? Some padding-top and top take the value auto, even if they are set explicitly. the popup-left can't be moved either.

Pop-up feedback form when you hover over the image

How do I make it so that when you hover over the image, a modal window opens with a feedback form?

Raise label css

How do I make the label rise higher when the input or focus is filled, or if the empty one is returned back? .item-f{ ... t.classList.remove('input_filled'); } }); Writes Uncaught TypeError: input.addEventListener is not a function

How do I push a child block to the bottom of the parent block?

In the layout there is such a block, a fixed height, three more blocks are nested in it, the upper and lower ones are of a fi ... height, the one in the middle is not. I can't figure out how to push the bottom block to the bottom of the parent block.

Sorting a table by html+php columns

Please tell me if it is possible to somehow sort the data in the table by columns using js rather than sql queries. My data i ... '.table_sort thead').forEach(tableTH => tableTH.addEventListener('click', () => getSort(event))); }); </script>

CSS float and display:block

Hello everyone. I can't get the div to be displayed as a block element. <div style="display:block;"> & ... ake them appear as a block element of the page? If you set for the first block, then everything is displayed as intended.

HTML, HTML tables, combining cells

You need to make tables in HTML png <table border=1> <tr height=30> <th width=100 height=30 colspan=5>& ... height=30></th> <th width=100 height=30></th> <th width=100 height=30></th> </table>

Fancybox-passing parameters

Good day, hello everyone. That's what day I'm messing with fancybox and I can't figure out how to pass the values from the mo ... rameters from a modal window to a page /index.php Thank you in advance for your answer. I will be very grateful for any help.

Why is the size of the browser window on a mobile device different from the resolution of the phone screen

For example, take the Iphone X. The screen resolution is 2436×1125. But if you open the toolbar in chrome, and select the display mode of the same Iphone X, then we see completely different numbers. 375x812. Similar to any other mobile devices

How do I change the background of a text field?

<input type=text> How do I change the input background using CSS?

How to properly enable styles for the mobile version of the site

There is a site that is written for desktops, now you need to make it responsive for mobile devices, I do @media screen and ... it otherwiseP. S. S. The answers that I found googling my question were 3-8 years ago, I thought that something could change

Rubber modal window

There is a modal window layout: How can I make it with HTML+CSS so that it is rubbery in width and height? My option: &l ... gt; <!-- И так далее, в общем --> </div> So, the question is this: please tell me how it is done correctly?

Text output: should I use echo or not?

When creating any site, you must use HTML code to build blocks and generally build a site. And often this code is located in ... er? Or still can you not think about it and write as convenient as possible? What if you output a lot of HTML code via echo?

Remove line feed

What you need to do to make it so: текст [картинка-ссылка] текст And not so: текст [картинка-ссылка] текст I have a pic ... .ru/" class="rollover"></a> The fact is that the picture is higher than the text when it should be on a par with it