
Initializing a two-dimensional dynamic array

I am trying to initialize all the elements of a two-dimensional array when declaring it: int** ints = new int* [n] { new int ... lays -842150451 -842150451 -842150451 -842150451 -842150451 , and such: int* ints = new int[5] { 0 }; - 0 0 0 0 0 .

C++, initialization of constexpr fields

Please tell me, is it possible to initialize the constexpr member not in the header, but in the implementation file? For exa ... ject { public: constexpr size_t VALUE; }; // cpp constexpr Object::VALUE = 1U; If possible, how? If not, why not?

Why does this work in gcc?

A static array with a size not known at the time of compilation. char buf[atoi(argv[2])]; And where can I read about it?

Initialization to the Yii framework.

Do not judge strictly I am just starting to master OOP, so I ask you to help me understand one line of the Yii framework code ... lass extends "YiiBase", but it doesn't have a "run ()"method. And, in general, how can a static method have a method? Thanks.

Initialization of the C and C++structure

There is a structure of the form typedef struct struct_name { struct another_struct_name { typefield1 fie ... p = {&some_an_s}; const struct_name_t name = {temp}; Similar error. How to initialize this structure correctly in C++?

Why do we need function prototypes? Why do I need to declare variables?

Why do we need function prototypes? Why do I need to declare variables? Why is it impossible to immediately declare a functio ... cout << S; cout << "\n=======================\n"; } Is it possible to do without a Prototype?

Initializing a vector in the constructor

class A { public: A(size_t size):vector(size, default_value){} private: std::vector<int> vector; const int default_ ... Why is the vector initialized with a random value? Does the constant not have time to become -1 yet? How to do it right then?

Is there any way to simplify class initialization in Python?

I have a class constructor of something like this: class A: def __init__(self, a1, a2, ..., an): self.a1 = a1 ... ask one more question: What should I do if some arguments have a default value, and some arguments have a default value? no?

Why did the static initialization block execute after the constructor?

Good day colleagues! In the literature, it is written that when loading a class, the static block is executed first, and the ... я точка входа } } OUTPUT: Динамический блок Конструктор Статический блок Question: How to explain the observed behavior?

C++ order of initialization of class members

In what order will the initialization of class members take place in C++? Will the class constructor be called first, or will ... first? class A {} class B { public: B() = default; private: A a; static A a0; int i; static int i0; }