
What is an abstract class in C++?

What is an abstract class in C++?

Access modifiers in C#

Let's say I set the access modifier internal to the class, and the variable in this class is public. Question, will this variable have an access modifier internal (as a class access modifier) or public (as a variable access modifier)?

Java-class name

Please tell me how to compare the class name with the specified string( the string is entered by the user). Is there any way to write the class name to a string variable?

Implicit call to the copy constructor

#include <iostream> struct A { A() { std::cout << 'A'; } A(const A&) { std::cout << 'a'; } }; ... the program output ABAb And not what I expected ABab Why did the developers of the standard decide to set this behavior?

Why do I need static non-nested classes?

Why do I need static non-nested classes?

The difference and correctness of using abstract classes from interfaces in Java

I'm trying to understand how these two elements differ. I read here and here, as well as the lecture I am studying. If I unde ... d move (int n, int m)? PS PS PS: Sorry for the large number of questions. I just would like to fully understand this topic)

How do I assign the "Script" type to a variable and then select it? Unity C#

I have 2 scripts on the object: 1st "Enemy" and 2nd for example "Goblin", the Goblin class is inherited from Enemi and since ... lin" or "Soldier" script, which will call the same function, but different in terms of the content. How to do this correctly?

Spawn of a class instance in unity

I have not been in programming for a long time, so the question is also not the most adequate. I want to create several NPCs ... ce; void Awake() { instance = this; } void Start() { Instantiate(Green, new Vector3(0,0,0), Quaternion.identity); } }

Multiple - defined character detected-one or more

I have a code. Class, implementation, and main function. When everything is in a single cpp file, everything works. I tried t ... (?kool@@3MA) уже определен в machine.obj 2) Oшибка LNK1169 обнаружен многократно определенный символ - один или более ПР 6

Overloading a string class

Forumchane, please help with the task. I do not understand how to overload some of the operators. Here is the problem conditi ... ; return 0;} } } I don't understand how to overload the other operators.... Please help me, I will be very grateful.

How do I wrap python classes in a module?

Task verbatim: Wrap the classes from the previous tasks in the Geometry module. Import the module. Create multiple instan ... .14 circle1 = circle(3) print(circle1.diameter()) print(circle1.length()) print(circle1.area()) import sympy.circle1.area()

What are abstract PHP classes and interfaces for?

An example from life if you can =) It seems that you can write classes without them Where can they be applied? Here I foun ... n descendants After all, in fact, an ordinary class is no different from an abstract one, then why do you need it (abstract)?

Calling a new method of an anonymous class

interface Lopzik{ void petrol(); } public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args) { Lopzik lopz ... the comments, without negative voices. If the content of the link gives an exhaustive answer, then I will delete my question.

Pre-declaration of the class in header files

Player.h #ifndef PLAYER_H #define PLAYER_H class ResourcePack { protected: // something }; class Player : ResourcePack { pu ... w can I pre-declare the Player class in the Render.h file (since it inherits from the ResourcePack class, nothing comes out)?

Arrays and inheritance in c++

I'm studying c++, I ran into a problem. There is an Animals class. It has two derived classes Cat and Dog. How to make an arr ... t;name = ""; } }; int main() { Animals anm[10]; anm[0]=Cat(); anm[1]=Dog(); std::cout<<anm[1].age; }

Array of classes in C++

Good day, dear experts. I just got on the warpath with my ignorance of C++, so please be lenient if the question is stupid. ... erly organize an array of classes. If it is possible a tiny example would be..) Thank you in advance for your good advice )

What is the difference between an instance of a class and an object of a class?

What is the difference between a class instance and a class object in objective-c? Asked such a question at the interview, I ... do not kick too hard, obzh-si taught himself, at an accelerated pace, and there was no time to deal with the concept itself.

Creating a class object in WindowsForms C#

Creating a separate class in the project, conditionally public class A{ String b; A(String b){this.b=b;} } Then I try to cre ... A abc = new A("s"); And the result is an error that the class is unavailable due to its security level, how can I fix this ?

Error: Cannot redeclare class

I get the "Cannot redeclare class system"error. This means that something is wrong with the system class, but what? Added fro ... ass . "</b>. Он необходим для работы скрипта."); } else { require $class_dir; } } $index = new system;