
Python pull variable values from the dictionary

{"status":"success","result":[ {"picture":"data:image\/png;base64,","name":"\u0420\u0430\u0437\u0431\u0430\u043d","username": ... , end=" ") print("username{}:".format(index), i["username"]) index += 1 time.sleep(1000)

How do I assign the "Script" type to a variable and then select it? Unity C#

I have 2 scripts on the object: 1st "Enemy" and 2nd for example "Goblin", the Goblin class is inherited from Enemi and since ... lin" or "Soldier" script, which will call the same function, but different in terms of the content. How to do this correctly?

Declaring Smarty variables

Please tell me how to declare a variable and assign a value to it in the *.tpl file itself. I need something like that: {if ($data.rating >= 600)} {$a='Подходит!'} {/if}

Replacing a substring (variable) in a string

There is a string. You need to replace one word with another in it. Difficulties arise when you need to not just change one w ... one variable in the string to another. I hope I explained it clearly. If not-write, I will try to explain it better. Thanks!

How are enumerations implemented in Java?

Recently, I have been asking questions about the implementation of some data types that are actually part of the language its ... for self-development, as I really like to understand what is "under the engine". Thank you all so much for your help! :)

Dimensions of data types in Java

In the book "Java 2. The Most Complete Guide" by P. Knowton and G. Schildt, the following is said about the size of data type ... ord behavior of variables of integer type and whether it is true that for variables, not declared as arrays, size undefined?

Cyrillic in variable names

As you know, the Cyrillic alphabet in the names of variables is bad. And why? Well, except for the well-known argument that " ... nd if you work with foreign programmers?" P.S. Let's assume that we are talking about a language that fully supports Unicode.

(bat) Accessing a variable from if

I needed to block the bat file and ran into a problem. Code with a loop that has a condition inside it. And a variable that i ... e initial assignment Set a=q, I get "echo command output mode disabled" and that's it. How do I assign and access a variable?

Types of variables

If a variable is declared in the class body and is static, then it is a variable of the class If the variable is declared in ... int k;} static{int k;} } Additionally: it is not allowed to declare variables in such brackets with the keyword static.

How to convert symbolic calculations to numbers in python

I tried converting the string "-5/x" to an integer and a floating-point number, but failed. Who can help? Sample code: y = in ... imer) % 0.5 or float(primer) % 1: end_spisok.append(float(primer)) i += 1 print(end_spisok)

How do I add a path to the $PATH variable?

How do I add the path to the gcc compiler (/usr/gcc/4.4/bin) to the $PATH variable in linux?

Changing a variable in a comparison statement within a command discord.py

I need to make a command for the discord bot in Python, which will work according to this algorithm: when executing the comma ... scription = f"{ctx.message.author.name} Ваш баланс - **{membercount}**", title = 'Баланс') await ctx.send(embed = embed)

Field and / or variable? That's the question. (Java)

In the course of my java language training, the term "field" haunts me. I have not found a clear explanation of this phenomen ... НЕ поле) int b; //---локальная переменная (НЕ поле) str = "Это строка"; //---полю присваивается значение ... }}

How to properly declare and reassign a js variable?

if (i < 15) { var k = 0; } else if (i >=10 && i <= 20) { k = 1; } else if (i >= 20) { k = 2; ... t is, first we declare with the directive var, and then when we assign a new value to the variable, can we do it without var?

Constant pool in Java

I have often heard about the so-called constant pool in the Java programming language. I know about the pool of String object ... fronted with this concept for the first time and I can't understand what it is about. Thank you all so much for your help! :)

Indirect Assembler Addressing

Please help me explain why it is not possible to assign a value to the variable mem3 in this way? mem3 DW 0 mov mem3,[bx]

How do I check a variable for the str type in Python 3?

Task: Check the variable for belonging to the type string in the programming language Python 3 Hi everyone. In the process ... . In this case, I will ask you to give links to the answers, the question itself can delete (if the answers solve my problem)

Why do we need function prototypes? Why do I need to declare variables?

Why do we need function prototypes? Why do I need to declare variables? Why is it impossible to immediately declare a functio ... cout << S; cout << "\n=======================\n"; } Is it possible to do without a Prototype?

Scope of the exception in the catch block

Actually, why not the function, but only the block itself? Tested in Chrome, FF, IE11, and Opera 12. function test() ... ; // 15 3 e = x = 17; console.log(e, x); // 17 17 } finally { console.log(e, x); // 10 5 } } test();

Python global variable

I have two packages: Unloader.py And GetRequest.py In the script implemented in Unloader.py a function is called ... lResponse countNullResponse += 1 How can I correct the code so that Request sees the global variable countNullResponse?