
How to create a browser extension in Python. Is this even possible?

I had a brilliant idea-to make notes in the form of an extension for Chrome. I have only knowledge of Python, CSS and HTML. Are there any libraries for this in Python?

Regular expression (only letters or only letters and numbers, or only letters, numbers and special characters + @ -. you can not only special characters and only numbers)

There is a regular expression: /^[a-zA-Z0-9+_@-.]$/ you can use the letters lat. the alphabet in any case you can use the l ... only characters {[1] are not allowed]} not only numbers you can't only use the characters +_@-. together with the numbers

Regular expression to the address of the VKontakte page

Help me compose a JavaScript regular expression. Here is what data should be skipped: Http:// It is clear that "user" is any text. It can also be "id123456".

Increment and decrement of the counter in the current block?

Good evening dear developers! How do I increment the current counter in such a loop? v-for="(item, index) in ticketsbuy" :key ... r? In reality, I have 4-12 row div's rendered and each has a counter. You need to increase the current one, not all of them.

What is postincrement and preincrement?

I'm learning javascript and php, but I don't fully understand things like post-increment and pre-increment. Explain, if you don't mind.

How do I save a file?

The file (let it be about 1GB) in the user's browser is cut using the slice() function and sent to the partner's browser in p ... rowser using JS? I tried to just encode it in base64, but if the file size was large enough, it caused the browser to hang.

Did the plugin stop working in jQuery 1.9?

Plugin jQuery DropKick 1.0.0, console errors: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined Uncaught TypeErro ... k. Here is the source of my edits. Обновил source code with amendments (the plugin worked visually, but not functionally.)

Moving the Yandex map placemark when the cursor moves

On Avito (adding an ad), when you select an address on the map, the placemark moves with the cursor (centered). I try to repe ... }); } </script> <!-- /Код примера --> </div> </body> </html>

How to make sure that when you click a button, a random text (element) is taken from the array and displayed on the site. Html/Css/Js

I'm a beginner, I've been learning html/css/js for about 1 month. I have such a problem. I need that when you click on the bu ... ase"> Место отображения текста (чуть выше) </span> </div> </body> </html>

How to build a route yandex maps API

How can I build a route between two points with a preliminary check of these points on Yandex maps. I found an example, but t ... e to be built after these fields are filled in with both correct data. Validation example help to combine these two examples.

Make an analog of border-radius for svg circle?

There is such a progress bar with svg. Is it possible to somehow make the circle have rounded edges when the values are < ... t;/svg> </div> <label for="percent">Type a percent!</label> <input id="percent" name="percent">

How to make a callback only when the images from the get request are loaded

I make a request to the address return which returns the generated html. the request code looks like this: document.addEventL ... oading it looks like this How do I make sure that the loading indicator does not disappear until the images are loaded too?

Bootstrap 3: close all modal windows

Is it possible to close all modal windows without brute force?

How do I get all messages from my account?

Here is the documentation of the vkontakte API: Please help me to cope with the task: using a script on th ... atus(authInfo); VK.UI.button('login_button'); </script> How can I get anything at all, for example, user messages?

Hide\show div

I have the nth number of such elements on the page: <div class="main"> <a class="text">Любой текст</a> < ... pt and slightly adjusted, but the problem is that it opens the buttons of all elements. How do I change it? Link to JSFiddle

JS: name of the object property from the variable

You must refer to the nested property of the js object whose name is set to a variable. The overall picture is as follows: ... >Для семейной пары</td></tr>'} }; Alternatively, you can call the object properties flat1, flat2, .... flat4

The Swiper slider. Configuring scroll and pagination

My goal is to make it so that 3.5 slides per active zone are displayed (This is done by the slidesPerView parameter). The sli ... iv> <!-- Add scrollbar --> <div class="swiper-scrollbar"></div> </div> </body>

Stop autoplay in swiper slider on hover

I want to use the swiper slider. I already figured out how to make automatic flipping of images. What do you need to add to ... clickable: true, }, navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', }, });

How to properly connect js files in laravel?

Please tell me how do I properly connect js in laravel? Previously, the code was in a single file app.js. I started sorting t ... page and various errors are thrown into the console. This page should not know anything at all about js which is in errors

Set the value disabled= "disabled" in select

Disabling fields on the site is done by styles with the disabled="disabled" parameter, if you just write disabled at the end, ... tElementById('gorod').disabled = true; } function Gorod_en() { document.getElementById('gorod').disabled = false; }