
Select, drop-down list, processing without reloading javascript

Good afternoon, tell me, please, with such a task, there is a drop-down list of the type <select id="my_select" name="my_ ... S and therefore I do not quite understand how to do it correctly, and I do not need to reload the page. Thank you in advance.

Installing the npm package globally, manually, how to implement it?

There was a need to install this package npm install -g alexanderwillner/kingraph npm ERR! code ENOENT npm ERR! syscall spa ... orrect, how do I install this package manually, globally? Thank you in advance Upd: I tried to do the same thing using yarn:

Auto-fit, auto-resize images under DIV

There is a div with the .img-container class and a picture inside. <div class="img-container"> <img src="http:// ... t will change the size)? Similar to CSS for DIV: .img-container { background-size: cover; width: x; height: y; }

No events are generated in Vue

There is a js file that is compiled using Laravel Mix. It previously had 2 components, after which there was a need to regist ... ntion to the fact that the previous 2 components work quite correctly. As long as there were no reassembles, the events work.

ASP NET.CORE MVC Dynamic Creation

I'm writing a quizzer site. Faced with such a problem. There is a certain survey, with the nth number of questions, you need to click on the button, add a new field for a new question(more tautology, tautology), Example: And we get this result

Drop-down menu when hovering over the entire width of the screen

Https:// Good evening. I have a drop-down menu when hover. How to make a full-width dro ... function(){ $('.drop-down__mega-menu').css('display','block'); } ); Tell me how to do it correctly and better?

opacity at hover

HTML: <div class="prof_foto"><img src="{foto}" alt="" /></div> <div class="prof_isonl"> <div class="prof_off">Оффлайн</div> </div> How do I hover over .prof_foto to make opacity: 0.7 y .prof_off?

Error in JS Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function

I have an error in Js Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function <script> function checkParams(event) { var n ... "text" name="email""autocomplete="off" placeholder="Ваш Email" onkeyup="checkParams(event);"> </form>

I study JavaScript and when I run the code, the tab gives an error out of memory, but there is enough memory

The code is only 20 lines long and when you run it, it gives an error about a lack of memory, I have 4GB of RAM previously th ... o var years? I didn't understand this point, the video explains it but unfortunately I didn't fully understand it. Thank you

Check for a scroll in JS

Please tell me how to check if the page has a scroll or not?

Discord.js does not change the channel name

The idea of the bot in discord is that when enabled, it changes the name of the voice channel to the number of participants o ... etName("Количество челов:"+ memberCount) .then(result => console.log(result)) .catch(error => console.log(error)); });

How to add SVG code to wordpress

I have an SVG animation: var lineDrawing = anime({ targets: '#lineDrawing path', strokeDashoffset: [anime.setDash ... de in the right block instead of yoga. Perhaps someone knows how easy it is to find the path to the files? Code on codepen

youtube iframe api remove all elements from the video and prevent pausing when clicked

Is it possible to remove all visible elements on a youtube video and not give the user a pause? Read the documentation in th ... { if ( === YT.PlayerState.ENDED) { player.playVideo(); } } </script>

Configuring the PUG Template Engine

Such a question, is it possible to somehow configure PUG so that it would format the code at the output not in one large line ... роительство домов и коттеджа"/><span>Строительство домов и коттеджа</span></a></div> </div>

Jquery Calendar

I connected it to the calendar, in the file myscript.js prescribed $(document).ready(function(){ $( "#date" ).datepic ... ed); /* Прячем календарь */ $("#date").DatePickerHide(); } }); Then nothing is displayed in the field.

Form with a drop-down list using input and select on Vue

Help us implement a search with a pop-up list of objects. How can I combine the <input type='text'> functionality with ... r requests to the server for simplification, I will deal with these points when I debug the form. Thank you for your answers.

Undefined error

Error - Cannot read property 'title' of undefined const mainBlock = document.querySelector('.main-block'); const mainB ... = 'red'; } mainBlockDescription.value = ''; mainBlockTitle.value = ''; }); init();

jQuery-find an element by text

You need to find the element on the page by the text value. There is a selector contains, but it looks for essentially the oc ... r". So, contains will return both of these elements as a result, and you need to get only the last one. How can this be done?

How to block the download of images on the site

Good day to all! Tell me how to make it so that you can not download images from the site, that is, when you click on the image with the right button, you can not do - "Save the image as.."

What is the difference between var a and var $a in javascript?

Good afternoon! More and more often in js scripts I encounter variable declarations using the dollar sign, i.e. instead of a ... hem. This is just for convenience is it being done, or does it provide something additional from a functional point of view?