
Who can explain the meaning of the While True loop in Python?

How can I understand what While True means: ...? I only realized that the loop will be infinite in this case until I write th ... hout a break, for example if "something" becomes False :D Maybe the question is stupid, but thanks to the one who answers :D

Replacing the for in range loop with while python

Please tell me how to replace the for in range loop with while? def what (a, b): res = a for i in range(b): res = res + 1 return res

The while loop in the function while() function in php

Hello everyone. I apologize for such a stupid question: how can I put a while loop in a function if the loop accesses the dat ... ion all_list(){ while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($all)){ echo $row['id']; } } echo all_list(); ?>

A while loop with a double condition in python

Actually, the problem is the following: when you leave only one of the conditions in the loop, everything works without compl ... о. Число должно быть от 1 до 9 включительно') number = int(input('Введите число: ')) number = number ** 2 print(number)

MySQL: why doesn't while or any other loop work

I decided to study MySQL a little bit with MSSQL and immediately came across a problem... Q: Why doesn't it work? SET @coun ... () BEGIN SET @counter = 1; WHILE (@counter < 20) DO SET @counter = @counter + 1; END WHILE; END Where am I stupid?

A running line with a while loop

Help me write a python running line in the terminal Example: Enter your label: AUTOCAFE Conclusion: А В Т О К А Ф Е You need to do this using the while{[2] loop]}

While loops don't work correctly

See here is the python code: f = open("text6.txt", 'wb') spisok=['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','q','w','e','r','t', ... through the words from 000000 to MMMMM But it only iterates from 000000 to 00000M show the correct syntax of the nested loop

Help me write a loop for the JSON response

There is a JSON array, here is an expression for printing a single row of the array: print(r_write_iops['entries'][0]['conten ... disk_4": 2323 "dpe_disk_7": 2323 "dae_1_0_disk_7": 2323

How do I insert a block in the middle of the vukomers catalog?

How do I insert a block in the middle of the vukomers catalog? Right now, the code for the catalog template looks like this. ... n( 'woocommerce_after_main_content' ); ?> </div> </div>

Calculate and display on the screen in the form of a table the value of the function specified using the Taylor series, in the interval from Xnach to Xcon in increments of dX with an accuracy of E

The task must be solved via While, do while Each row of the table must contain the argument value, the function value, and t ... vet = pow(e, -i); printf("е в степени -%fl = %fl", &i, otvet); } } printf("*****Конец таблицы*****"); return 0; }

Strange operation of continue in the while loop

#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int i = 0; do { printf("%d", i++); if(i == 1) continue; } while(i == 0); } Why does the program only output 0 and not 01?

Writing to a data file from feed

The question may be idiotic, but I can't figure it out. Trying to parse feed from the site https://www.upwork.com/ Most likel ... t doesn't work? And how to fix it. I'll accept it any advice on writing normal code, not just in the question part. Thank you

identity of infinite while and for loops

1.) while (true) System.out.println("C"); 2.) for (; true; ) System.out.println("C"); Why are these infinite loops ide ... false? and so until it is true, will this loop continue? Then why is while immediately considered true and not false? Thanks.

Exiting the while loop

I have a construction while(true){ for(;;) {} } How do I exit the infinite while loop inside the for loop?

Differences between for and while loops

Please explain the differences between the for and while loops. If you can use simple language. Thanks.

How do I make a delay during the execution of the loop?

You need to make a loop in which the execution of the action occurs -> delay (let's say a second) -> action again. My ... dException e) {} } } Please help, if not with a code, then with advice/a link to something similar.

Finding the index of the largest element in a sequence

I recently started learning python and in parallel I solve problems with http://pythontutor.ru/. And got stuck on the while l ... would be solved not only if the numbers are not entered evenly in ascending / descending order (such options are all solved)

C++ Loop while...do works in English does not work in Russian

Why is such a program executed correctly: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { setlocale (0, " ... имя и нажми enter:\n"; cin >> first_name; cout << "Ну здорово, " << first_name << " :)\n"; }

Why is a function executed once if it is in a loop? C++ Arduino

I'm writing multithreading for Arduino, and for this I need to remove all delay();. I replace these delai with millis();, but ... PORTB |= B10000000; //port13read = 1; } else { PORTB &= ~B10000000; //port13read = 0; } } }

Java and Pascal. The while and repeat ... until loop

The Pascal language has repeat ... until operators. Why create them if there is a while loop? And if there is a difference, why doesn't Java have these operators?