
How do I open a port in Ubuntu?

I'm new to ubuntu, so I can't figure out why the port doesn't open and how to do it anyway. Tell me, please! I tried to open ... EAM LISTENING 3215427067 /var/run/saslauthd/mux That is, like the 53rd port is open... How else can I open the ports?

How do I open port 27015?

I'm trying to open port 27015 on Win 7 Ultimate. 2ip.ru writes that the port is closed, when the antivirus (Kaspersky) is tur ... all. I called the provider, they say that they do not close any ports except for the 21st. So how do I still open this port?!

How to open a port on the MGTS router

For a python project, I need to open a port on my router so that the computer can work as a server. I know how to do it, last ... TS, apparently, did something to solder a paid static IP. Is there anything else you need? No one has encountered it? Thanks.

Raise the server at home in Denver via the D-link dir400 router

Guys, good evening.The situation is this, there is a Denver and there is a d-link dir 400 router. There is a website in Denv ... velo. And how to transfer the IP address to the project now? My head is already spinning from the number of reread manuals...

Ports required for FTP

There is an FTPS server behind the firewall. Which ports should be opened for incoming and outgoing traffic?

Server name and port number

I think the question is clear. How can I find out? (Enter the name of your server and the port number (you can get them from your system administrator) in the form :. )

Why is outgoing port 1433 closed? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ovider and what can be done in this case? I'm trying to pull this off from a computer running win 7 with a static ip. Thanks!

Port forwarding on the TP-Link 940N router

There are 2 Chinese unidentified video cameras whose TP is not responding. The network works through a budget TP-Link (If it ... rnal one IP1:1935 and IP: 1234567 to internal IP2: 1935. The standard firmware does not allow this, will the custom one help?

Opening ports on the ICxETH5670NE Intercross router

In Google, there is nothing on the interface of this router. I found a similar question with the answer (How do I open the po ... r?), but even with that answer, I can't do anything. Let's say I want to open a port for minecraft 25565. How do I do this?