
Who can make an interesting guide how to remove root users in windows?

The fact is that after no time has elapsed, my Wifi network is disconnected and the vpn service jumps, when Wireshark is conn ... nd all the routs connected to it, no matter who they belong to, in order to encrypt wireshark files in veracrypt. Windows 10.

How do I configure D-Link DIR-655?

Good afternoon! I set up a local network via a wifi router DIR-655, on client machines as a networker there are D-Link Wirele ... e to the router. I tried to disable QoS in the router and on the clients, the result is the same. What other tips are there?

How do I get the D-LINK DWL-2100AP to distribute the internet received via WiFi to the LAN port?

Greetings to all participants of the forum!I can't insert a picture in any way, so to explain the essence of my problem, I gi ... ed the picture to a diagram.upd 20130303-0737 Moscow time:Corrected the title text.> [1]: http://i.imgur.com/1VUBbkX.jpg

WiFi adapter and Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

I use Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS. There is a need to use a WiFi adapter in order to get rid of the twisted pair. Preferably, the adap ... rovider: MGTS (GPON) Purpose of use: remote work (remote worker table) Distance from the WiFi router: 15 meters and 2 walls.

Where does the Internet come from?

I understand that the question is stupid, but still, it torments me.I understand what the Internet is. I don't understand one ... s it come from is this "someone else" traffic ? Perhaps my question is quite idiotic, tell me at least what to Google.Thanks.

Measuring Internet speed in Kbit (kilobits)

How I imagine it - Measure the number of bytes between progress events. Convert bytes to kilobits. Measure the elapsed time ... vide by time 11758.84 / 2.186 = 5379.1 kilobits per second. But I am I set the speed to 200 Kb/sec and the logs confirm this.

Mikrotik bonding

I set up balancing of two channels on mikrotike and there was a problem. There are two adsl modems connected to the eth3 and ... s (eth3 and eth4). I disable one of the eth3 or eth4 interfaces, the Internet is flying. Tell me the reason for the problem.

How do I change the TTL in Windows without restarting?

I have MTS on my mobile and I distribute the Internet on a PC, distribution is conducted with DefaultTTL 65 set on the comput ... On linux, I would do something like /ect/init. d/networking restart. How do I change the TTL without restarting on Windows?

How to disable Yandex Zen in principle in the browser?

Search for" disable Yandex.Zen " on the Internet for tips that don't work. How do I permanently disable this? Instead of" ze ... Zen appears anywhere. I find the articles from the Poison annoying. I'm not against advertising, but I'm against all guano.

Why is outgoing port 1433 closed? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ovider and what can be done in this case? I'm trying to pull this off from a computer running win 7 with a static ip. Thanks!

Is the subnet a namespace?

Is it possible, speaking in programming terms, to say that a network subnet is a namespace in programming languages?

Running the CMS from the PHP console

You need to run Bitrix in the PHP console. But, of course, when running a path like "/bitrix/header.php" and others, are coun ... uire(/bitrix/header.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/mysite/index.php on line 1 Well, etc.

How to combine 2 routers with different providers into a single local network?

Good afternoon. Description: in one room there are 2 cables with the Internet from different providers. There are 2 TP-Link ... ly understand this topic, so please help me. If you need any nuances to solve the problem, write to us. Thank you in advance.

MTS Connect 4G LTE Wi-Fi Modem-model number? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ng the model numbers of the devices sold on its website. In this regard, the question for experts: what is in black the box?

Is it possible to write ip instead of a domain name? And how?

Is it possible, for example, to write 1.808.5789.908...(ip ненастоящий) and others instead of google.com or other names ? If yes, how to find out the ip address of the site ? If not, then why ?