
Split text into parts

I need to take a specific piece of an aquivus .txt that is between <tag> and </tag>. But I need to pick up all th ... 1>titulo</tag1> <tag2>subtitulo</tag2> texto... I want to take the text between these tags and save.

How can I replace a part of a string with itself plus the character "~"?

How can I replace a part of a string with itself plus the character "~"? I'm doing as follows: only when the string has ... match.Value + "~"); match = match.NextMatch(); } System.Console.Write(lista); } }

Problem with regular expression in the with angularJS (1)

On this site, I took this regex: @"^\(?\d{2}\)?[\s-]?[\s9]?\d{4}-?\d{4}$" Then I tried to adapt to my reality, my rule wh ... </div> If I put it this way, it says invalid format for any format I type. ng-pattern="/^[1-9]\d9?\d{11}$/"

Regular Expression - Numbers only, no space

I have the following regular expression '((?:[\d][\s]?){5}[\d]) ' and I am testing it on My problem ... e' 12 345 6'. I would like to know a way for it to return only the numbers without the spaces, if it happens to have spaces.

Regular expression, PHP

What is the correct way to validate the string for the nomenclature below, using regular expression? /filmes/todos-filmes/notas-espectadores/?page=[SÓ NUMEROS]

What is a regular expression?

In many codes I see functions with a set of special characters that seem to have a function of their own. I see this in pret ... hem regular expressions and it is on the latter that I look for the definitions and characteristics in their implementations.

Format file names using Regular Expression

I'm trying to rename some files using Regular expression, but I'm packed in a specific format. I have video files in this for ... but I need to apply a regex, language independent, as can be seen here in this link:

Python: ^ is not turning the character class of my regex into negative

I'm learning REGEXes by Automate the Boring Stuff w / Python. In one of the titles of Chapter 7, the book teaches about chara ... l previously. (If anyone knows how to disable this, but in a way that still gives to use accents, also thank you very much).

Doubt about Regular Expression

Good night, everyone. I would like to know of a regular expression to get the following information: Numbering and title ... Tertiary Title = > X. x. x. Quaternary Title => X. x. X. X. And so on. I appreciate your attention. Hug everyone.

How to indicate in a regex that the symbols '(' and')', the parentheses, are one of the alternatives in a list of symbols in Java?

I am developing a code that captures a text using regular expressions (regex). This text consists of parentheses. The issue ... Is Ruby)" ([A-Za-z0-9çãàáâéêíóôõúÂÃÁÀÉÊÍÓÔÕÚÇ\"\'!?$%:;,º°ª]+) Wanted to add the parentheses to this list of characters.

Remove an indeterminate number of " \ " in a column in the database

Field description in Table product contains HTML generated by CKEditor ( which is about escaping the content: <table cel ... is problem again. The issue is intended for a solution in MySQL to deal with the old records already present in the database.

Validate increasing and decreasing numbers with regex

I need to create a regex for validation of increasing and decreasing numbers according to the example: Repeated / ascend ... 987654 111111 | 123456 | 543210 [09:30:16] William Oliveira: Repeat validation is this in regex ^(\w)1\{5,}$

Regex that validates only normal and leap years in C++

Was trying to do Leap Year validation using regex in C++. If the user enters 28/02/1900, it would return valid. But if the s ... 29 days for February and 29 days for a non-leap year, they should not validate. If anyone can help me I would be grateful.

Behavior of the preg match () function for name abbreviation

I set up a function that receives a full name with X names and surnames and returns only the first name and last surname. If ... ubt: This function below, should not return false (0)? $b = "da"; var_dump(preg_match('/^[^A-Z]*$/', $b{0})); //retorna 1

Preg Match C / regular Expression

I need to remove everything around the link below. I'm using preg_match with regular expression, and since I'm new to the are ... how_text=0&width=560 Accurate: "https%3A % 2F%2Fwww.facebook. com%2fporttest%2fvideos%2f1585186298555265%2f" Thank you

How to remove a word from a string without changing larger words that contain it

I would like to remove a word from a string in R. I was doing as follows: > s <- "ele esta bem mas tambem esta triste" ... rched for the word "he", it would not be removed. Is there any way to remove all words, without thinking about all the cases?

How to make a regular expression that finds a name and then looks for a character?

I was parsing an extensive html code that basically contains this format: <span id="mensagem" class="topo">Classes e ... ss this in regular expression. I'm using notepad++, would anyone know how to formulate a regular expression for this problem?

Regular expression for email validation

I'm trying to create a regular expression to validate any email, I wrote the expression below, but it's not working as expect ... t("")); console.log("" + espacos.substring("".length) + parse_email.test(""));

REGEX-search for expressions that do not contain specific words

We are using REGEX to normalize pharmaceutical data from a string field and we need to distinguish very similar strings from ... ntify the COM and discard any REV or LIB Something like: (?!.* REV|.* LIB) \ bCOM\b \ s (?!.* REV|.* LIB) Is it possible?

What does the \S shortcut in REGEX mean?

I see a lot of people using \s in the regex thinking that its meaning is ' ' (space) because I tell them, it's not, at least not only that. But then what does \s mean in REGEX?