
Removing Ruby from Windows

How to delete Ruby correctly, so that the files do not remain and the command line works correctly, etc. UPD: Win 7 Ultimate 32x. I installed rubyinstaller from the official site

Chat in PHP

I need to write a chat in php, please help me! I was given the task to write a chat in php, I have never encountered this tas ... ite, as I imagine-I will do it on html forms... Thank you in advance to everyone who responds to help with advice or hints!

Installing Ruby and Ruby on Rails on Mac OS

Please tell me!!! I have a Mac and out of the box it has ruby 1.8.7. How to install install rvm, update ruby and install ror? I found many installation options, but all of them gave some error during the installation process.

How to search for errors in Ruby on Rails code

Hello everybody! I'm trying to learn Ruby on Rails here and I don't know how to properly look for errors. If everything was s ... so clear on RoR. Please tell me how you will order your code. I installed Nginx and Thin, which is where my RoR project runs

What you need to know to create websites [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... And html do you need an editor? I think it would be better without him. canvas. Which library is better to use? An atom?

Problem with the Production version of the app

Good day to all! My problem is that the production-version RoR of the app has some display issues. Here's what's in there - h ... t, I would very much like to find out what is the essence of my problem, dear rubists? I would be very grateful for any help.

How to insert text in a text file on a specific line or after a specific word

I need to create a method that will insert the values passed to it into the body of the file index.html (immediately after th ... I pass to this method are inserted into the body of the HTML document? Also please note that this is pure ruby (not rails).

Gem 'bcrypt-ruby' doesn't work in Rails 4.0.0

Good afternoon. I have Ruby 2 and Rails 4. I have problems with the gem 'bcrypt-ruby'. When installing gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '~ ... c/api. gem 'sdoc', require: false end gem 'protected_attributes' # Use ActiveModel has_secure_password gem 'bcrypt-ruby'

How to open a link in your app instead of a browser

The project is built on Ruby on Rails, there are mobile applications for iOS/android. Task: redirect the opening of the link ... on the site, I click the profile link from my phone, and it opens in the mobile app. What will it take to implement this?

Error when installing gems

gem install rubocop ERROR: SSL verification error at depth 1: unable to get local issuer certificate (20) ERROR: You must a ... ase help me how to do this? You must add /OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R3/O=GlobalSign/CN=GlobalSign to your local trusted store

Optimizing RAM consumption

I would like to reduce the use of RAM. What are the ways to optimize the memory usage of a Ruby on Rails resource?

Metasploit alpine linux ish

I installed the Metasploit on ish ios in fact it is the same alpine-linux, installed in the way of Francesco Colista using do ... I'm trying to exploit the eternalblue vulnerability and it throws an error. What's wrong? (I assume the case is in payload)

Books for learning Ruby [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... tion. I can master books in English, but not with a little difficulty, but if there is no other option , then I will have to.

The threshold for entering the language: the less, the better? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... gramming in php for 2 years. Which language to choose is python/django or ruby on rails? Which language has more perspective?

The game " Guess the number"

Hello. Help me solve problems on Ruby (and if you can explain how and what). I skipped a bit of elementary programming class ... amp; can == no) || (test == no && test_2 == no && can == no) then puts "Удачи тебе!" else puts "Релакс." end

Difference between private and protected method types

I'm trying to figure out what the difference is between private and protected in Ruby, but somehow it doesn't work out very w ... private_class_method are instance methods, but neither can be called explicitly on anything other than methods in the class.

Abnormal switch in Ruby

There is the following code: x = 16 puts case x.class when Fixnum "fix" else "other" end And th ... Why is that? After all, x.class just returns the Fixnum constant, why wouldn't it return "fix" in the first case? Ruby 1.9.2

How do I validate for equality to one of the values?

It is necessary that the validation takes place only if the field is 1 or 25. Tried this: validates :x, numericality: { equal_to: (1 || 25) } ...but it doesn't work.

Help me figure out the yield

Hello, I started learning Ruby not so long ago and I'm having trouble with the yield iterator. If you can, please explain on your fingers how it works. Thank you in advance!

Variable types in Ruby

What is the difference between a class instance variable and an object variable in Ruby?