
"array" in ms sql (for xml)

Hello everyone! I began to learn the query language ms-sql and as a task set for myself, I try to transfer to the xml side co ... r>8-801-555-35-35</TNumber> </Person_info> </Person_INFOs> </Bundle> </Persons>

Java: xml Parsing [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... I want to see the simplest and most compact xml parsing algorithm in java. Any libraries, classes. m?

xml schema validation error

I started learning xml, got to xml schema, and when I try to check the xml file for validity, I get the following error ERRO ... ="id" type="xs:string"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema> Please tell me where I made a mistake? Thanks!

1c 7.7+ data exchange with online stores

How does the integration of the online store with 1c work? How to organize this integration? What mechanism? Which +/-? If there is a decent article (searched, did not find) - linkanite plz. Thank you

Sending a curl post request with xml data

There is some XML and a link to a third-party service: $url = 'https://example.com/'; $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encodin ... exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $result; } print_r(sendXmlOverPost($url, $xml)); An error is returned, System error!

What is the best way to use XML or JSON?

Question what is the best way to use it? In ajax I use JSON and to be honest I don't understand why then XML? What are the global differences other than the construction??? Pros and cons.

Error in XML parsing

There is xml coming from CURL: <?xml version="1.0"?> <merchant.response> <operation wmtransid="782312540" wmi ... #1 {main} thrown in /home/user1734/public_html/system/modules/settings/balance/info_xml.php on line 22 What is the problem?

When you open the on-screen keyboard, the background shrinks. How to avoid this?

There is ScrollView with the background parameter as an image, in ScrollView there is some content, including EditText. When ... важно /> <Button //неважно /> </RelativeLayout> </ScrollView>

Insert a tag in XML (simplexml)

You need to insert a new tag with a static value in the XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?> <!DOCTYP ... d <option cost="300" days="4" order-before="18"/> Is it possible to insert a simple string somehow? Or something else?

How to make a pop-up window in Android?

How do I make a window that will be displayed when you click on the button, and when you click on any other part of the screen, it will be closed?

Parsing XML with MSXML

I haven't coded in C++ for a long time and I've already forgotten a lot. I use Visual Studio 2019. Trying to create an XML d ... rent>"); spXMLDoc.Release(); CoUninitialize(); } But in run-time throws an exception: What am I doing wrong?

XML parser in MySQL

Hello there! It is not an easy task, there is xml with the following content: <offers> <offer id="3783" available=" ... ing large files (my file is about 150,000 lines and about 9 Mb). Please tell me, and then for the whole day I can not master!

Deserialization of the XML response from SOAP

There is a third-party SOAP service. which returns the response as XML <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas. ... ributeName = "SOAP-ENC", Namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")] public string SOAPENC { get; set; } } }

When running the jar file, I get the java.lang error.ExceptionInInitializerError Caused by: java.util.MissingResourceException

I need to use localization in my project, here is its structure. Using Maven, I build two jar files-the server and the clien ... tand what's going on, why it doesn't find my locales, and how to fix it, though. googled it. UPD: added a jar directory tree

xml with xsl style is not displayed in Google Chrome browser

I have a xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='style1.xsl'?> ... everything works. But without the conversion, opening the xml file opens a blank page in Google. Why so and how to fix it?

Android Studio. Change the size of the image added to the TextView

Added an image to TextView using android:drawableBottom. I am interested in whether I can change the size of the image without changing its source and without splitting TextView separately into TextView and ImageView

Syntax error in file name, folder name, or volume label

Guys, please tell me how to specify the path to the file so that it does not swear? FileNotFoundException public boolean ch ... rException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return false; }

XML validation using the XSD schema - How to determine the element that contains the erroneous attribute?

I am writing a program to check the XML file for compliance with the XSD schema. General code: private void buttonCheck_C ... lBack() procedure from XmlReader, you need to somehow get the element on which the error occurred and give its name. But how?

Does XML have something that JSON can't? And does XML and JSON have something that CSV can't

By comparing XML and JSON,https://msiter.ru/tutorials/javascript/js_json_xmlhttps://itgap.ru/post/json-vs-xml-sravnenie-tekhn ... lastName John Doe Anna Smith Peter Jones Total question #2 - what can XML and JSON do that CSV can't?

Interaction with the API of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

There are problems with the tax service API. They use SOAP or something similar, the brains are not enough to understand, in ... a lot of forums and in my head a wild mess. Please tell me, maybe someone knows what, at least a small code example. Thanks.