
How to calculate the sum of the modules of the array elements located after the first negative number?

We have: import random a = float(input("Введите число, которое будет началом диапазона случайных чисел: ")) b = float(input(" ... l numbers inside the new list to the module: newlist = [abs(elem) for elem in newlist] And I find the sum of all the values.

The function for loading (the show more button) data from an array of objects does not respond to the onclick event

When loading a page, objects taken from another page via ajax are placed in my array. For the sake of experiment, I added 200 ... me to find the example code on the Internet, so I follow my own logic. Am I thinking correctly? Why doesn't the event work?

What's wrong with the for (cmd) loop?

I start working with cmd and immediately can't do the first task from the tutorial - create a loop according to the instructi ... es not work. Maybe the problem is in the cmd itself? What are the options at all? (This is the console, not bat, if anything)

How do I switch to the next array element in a for python loop?

For example, to output 2 elements inside one block: arr = ['one','two','three','four']; for x in arr: ......... print()... Output: one, two three, four

Can I reduce the variable i in the for loop

Let's say I have a loop for i in range(10): With the help of what can I reduce this variable i by 1 at the right time, tha ... ng to the loop, i will return its value + 1. UPD: THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I tried through the while loop and everything worked.

How to combine these three loops into a for (cmd) loop?

I tried a lot of things, but I stopped at this version, which also doesn't work: for /l %%i in (%1\*.%4, %2\*.%4, %3\*.%4) d ... n (%1\*.%5, %2\*.%5, %3\*.%5) do 7z a task\arch_%5 "%%i" for %%i in (%1\*.%6, %2\*.%6, %3\*.%6) do 7z a task\arch_%6 "%%i"

Help me write a loop for the JSON response

There is a JSON array, here is an expression for printing a single row of the array: print(r_write_iops['entries'][0]['conten ... disk_4": 2323 "dpe_disk_7": 2323 "dae_1_0_disk_7": 2323

Python. Increment of the counter in the loop

How to increment the counter during the execution of the loop for param in range(len(mass)): if a==b: . . par ... <val;i++) { if (a==b) { ... i+=5; } else ... } But in python, this doesn't work, the counter keeps going no matter what.

Raise a number to a power without using the exponentiation operation, using the for next. VBA loop

Is it possible in VBA to raise a number to a power without using the exponentiation operation, but only using the for next loop? If so, how?

You need to write a function that creates a quadratic unit matrix without using the NumPy library

def build_array(n): m = [[for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] m[i][i] = 1 return m Returns a syntax error. What is the error, I can not understand?

pagination pagination.js

Please help me to understand the pagination, which is built by means of the plugin pagination.js. Among the initialization co ... iv> </div> </div> <div class="moduletable"> </div> </div> </div>

Differences between for and while loops

Please explain the differences between the for and while loops. If you can use simple language. Thanks.

What does for(int x: vector) mean?)

I recently studied c++ from Stroustrup's book , and got to the vectors, here is an example of the code for passing through al ... ,4,6,8 }; for (int x : v) cout << x << endl; But I don't understand what this condition does:for(int x : v)

List enum with a for loop

How to do the same only through the for{[2 loop]} public class CardSetHelper { public Deck Full() { var car ... ush(new Card { Suit = suit, Name = cardName }); } } return new Deck { Cards = cardSet }; } }

Brute force operator for C++

In Lippman's book, the example with iterating characters in a string does not work: #pragma hdrstop #include <tchar.h& ... 9): parsing: int main(int,char * *) Compiler "Embarcadero RAD Studio Berlin 10.1 Update 2 24 x86 x64" (2016 - not old)

Why do I need 2 loops: for and foreach?

Questions: Why do I need foreach, if I can iterate through an array, for example, through the for loop? Is it possible to d ... gth; i++) { System.out.println(numer[i] + " / " + denom[i] + " равно " + numer[i] / denom[i]); } } }

Problem with Loop interaction for using TStringList

I have a TStringList that stores absolute path names of some files and I want to put those names in a text file only if the c ... ath added in text file!'); end; end; end; ListPathFiles.Free; ListStoredPathFiles.Free; end;

Using for not Python

In Python can only work with the ' for ' (loop) using a list? Is not possible only with an integer as in other languages?

How to make a triangle of asterisks in java

I intend to get the following output: N: 4 + ++ +++ ++++ That is, I enter an" n " and I will get a kind of Triangle i ... or(i=0; triangulos < n ; triangulos++) { System.out.println("n:" + n); System.out.println("*"); }

Is it possible to use for loop to reduce code in C?

I have the following function: to . Is it possible to use for loop B to generate the statements as in function a ? What to ... EPROM_MASK(buf, EEPROM_A"; char ad2[]="));"; for (i=15; i>=0; i--) { printf("%s%i%s\n",ad1,i,ad2); } }