
How can I log in with curl if the password contains colons, single and double quotes?

The standard login to the site with authorization looks like this: curl -u username:password If you substitute the p ... In the command, then bash looks for the closure of a single quote, and curl may behave unconventionally because of the colon.

Generating a POST request with php curl in JSON format

Trying to get a token for the digiseller api I'm trying to form a req ... curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $server_output = curl_exec($ch); echo $server_output; curl_close ($ch);

Translate file retrieval to curl

$ymlFileXml = '/var/www/html/upload/shina.xlsx'; $parameters = [ 'access-token' => '2azoMVxNgDZl12vwXGOIvalzyHvO8A7J' ... )))); Previously, this code was executed, now you need to translate it to curl, tell me how to rewrite the code correctly ?

Getting site content (parsing)

Dear colleagues. I need to parse the site in php and its internal pages. I'm trying to do this ... Connection timed out, although in the browser the page opens without problems. Can you tell me a solution?

CURL, need help with a request using a proxy

There is a site that is loaded only using VPN: My task is to parse some data. I can and can do this, ...']); And many other different combinations, but nothing comes out. Please tell me how to get the content of the site

How to calculate the Content-Length for the POST request header in PHP CURL?

To integrate with the OptiCore Warehouse-Cloud service, you need to execute a POST request ClientOrder_CreateUpdate with XML ... ue to the fact that this value is calculated by it automatically, but how to do it in PHP???

Sending a curl post request with xml data

There is some XML and a link to a third-party service: $url = ''; $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encodin ... exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $result; } print_r(sendXmlOverPost($url, $xml)); An error is returned, System error!

PHP connection via proxy

Hello everybody! Why doesn't it connect? It works without a proxy. And with a proxy, a blank screen. What is the error? Curl ... //print curl_errno ($ch); //print $result; echo $result; curl_close ($ch); } ?>

Deleting all files from ftp php curl

I rolled up the code to delete all files from ftp. But it runs 4 times slower than FileZilla. What's wrong? What are the shor ... '<br />'; // echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($ch); //} curl_close($ch); return $content; } ?>

Request to the IBM Watson translate API using Boost:: Asio

There is a template for accessing the IBM Translator API in curl $ curl -X POST --user "apikey:{apikey}" \ --header "Content- ... s raised at 0x0F93B144 (libssl-1_1.dll) in ConsoleApplication3.exe: 0xC0000005: read access violation at address 0x0000009C.

yii2 in conjunction with httpclient and using proxy, exceptions

The yii2 framework is used. The task is to check the list of proxies from the file for validity, by simply trying to open a p ... onse->isOk) { fwrite($fp, $proxy."\r\n"); fwrite($log_fp, $proxy."\r\n"); $count++; } }

Browser caching for images obtained with CURL PHP

Please tell me how to cache the image that I got through CURL and created the path to the image through .htaccess? You need e ... [L,QSA] I tried different ways, but nothing helped, the image is constantly loaded for a second... Maybe you can't do that?

How to download all emails using FETCH over IMAP using pycurl

I'm trying to get all the emails in the IMAP directory using pycurl. For example this way I get a list of directories: impor ... work, and returns the same list of directories. If anyone has had a similar experience, please tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Uploading a file to the GLPI server using the GLPI API + Python

Good afternoon! There is a Server-Helpdesk system GLPI ( GLPI has an API There is a client for G ... form-data type in a request requests for sending files? CURL on SHELL using this type works out after all correctly. Thanks!

Error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl init ()" when php5-curl is installed

# php -m |grep curl PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626/' - /usr/local/l ... /20090626/ in Unknown on line 0 Reinstalled everything related to curl. Nothing helped : (Maybe someone encountered?

Yandex. Disk. API-uploading files

I'm trying to send a file from the form to the Yandex.disk cloud. I understand what the error is about, but I don't understan ... appears on the disk, but it is incorrect, it can not be opened and viewed, but the name, the extension is transmitted. Size 0

cUrl request from a specific interface

There is a Linux OS, libcurl 7.68.0, 2 interfaces with access to 2 different subnets. Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metri ... _INTERFACE , specify the address from the current default subnet or remove this option altogether. What could be the problem?

Using the Yandex-API geocoder from the Windows command line (wget, curl)

Good afternoon, I'm trying to make a request to the geocoder (interested in geocoding the address) using command-line utiliti ... ├╝ ├│├л.├Г├│├д├о├в├а├н├╢├е├в├а 37" How do I make it possible to execute a query from the command line? Thank you in advance.

POST request to the YouTube API in Java

It is necessary to make a request, but I do not quite understand how, namely, how to set the data required for transmission. ... } finally { con.disconnect(); } I don't understand where to write json to send to cURL this is --data


The script does not respond to: Curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, fa ... l_error - '. curl_errno($ch) .'<br/><br/>'; curl_close($ch); $doc = phpQuery::newDocument($abc); var_dump($abc);