
how to add text image in high quality to a button

I know about drawableLeft in android studio, but when you use it, the picture is put in real resolution and does not decrease, and if you reduce its size, it becomes too blurry, in general, I need something like this:

Incorrect screen orientation in the system. Android MTK

After flashing the tablet (Digma 9505 3g, MTK processor, Android 5.1), the image orientation always differs from the desired ... in the image, it is shifted. Can you tell me which file to edit to return the image on the screen to the correct orientation?

How to make a pop-up window in Android?

How do I make a window that will be displayed when you click on the button, and when you click on any other part of the screen, it will be closed?

Is it possible to earn money from scratch by creating apps in the Play Market?

I am a novice Android developer, I have already written several applications and went to several interviews. Due to the fact ... r those who have already done something like this, how realistic is it in terms of generating income, at least in the future?

Simple calculator for Android

Hello. I study development for Android, write banal problems (now-a calculator). And so the question actually arose - I forme ... . In scripting languages, I would use something like eval(), but here I stumbled... Help, if you have encountered, please :)

Correct java date validation check?

There is a edittext to enter the date from the datepicker in the format dd. MM. yyyy //считываю выбранный день месяц год int ... ords, the input order seems to be made. Thanks. I'm just learning...don't kick too hard and this is my first question here...

How do I create a google play console account for a studio?

My friend and I have created an application and are planning to publish it, is it possible to use the Google play console to ... ne? How do you think it is correct to organize the registration of a small studio consisting of two or more people in the GP?

Android MVVM Implementation

I implement MVVM according to the scheme shown below. Tell me if I understand this scheme correctly: If I need to download ... ked at the sample applications with the MVVM implementation, but they were all too simple, so the questions above remained.

Sending a Firebase Cloud Messaging push notification not from the console

I tried to attach FCM to my Android application, but it partially worked out - when creating a notification in the Firebase c ... t, the application receives, but there is no push notification. Because of what my requests do not appear push notifications?

What is native code?

What is native code? ...or language general, explain to me the essence of

How long does it take to publish in the play market?

I published my first application, a day has passed, and it hangs like "preparing for publication" and that's it. Who had it l ... publish a couple of more applications, while waiting. And, if there is an error, it is also not clear, no one sends anything.

Google Play Console - couldn't confirm identity

The other day I registered on Google Play Console. I made a contribution of $ 25, entered real data about myself and uploaded ... ctly is the problem of identifying my identity. I want to upload a couple of my apps to Google play, but how do I do it now?

Android maps are not displayed

When you start the app, it turns on normally, the map control buttons appear, zoom in, zoom out, but instead of the map itsel ... ч"></meta-data> I downloaded someone else's app, but it still doesn't work. Running on HTC sensation, version 4.0.3

Android: JSoup-page parsing

Only recently I got acquainted with JSoup and in general with web page parsing (I didn't work in this direction before). And ... I only get the "// Test2 - y2", "// Test3-y3", etc. And I need to get along with the links as it goes in order. More thanks.

Unauthorized refund for an In-App purchase in Android

Recently released a game on Android with an In-App purchase, which I implemented as written here. Several purchases were made ... is made entirely in Android Studio. dependency in build.gradle: implementation ''

I change the text file in the res android folder but after that the application does not work

5.Open the Command line (Windows Command Handler) in the above-mentioned folder-I think D:\Decompile (In the folder, in an em ... select the Windows Command Handler). But for some reason, the command line does not appear, although I do as it is written.

Launch mediascanner android

I can't run mediascanner on KitKat/ nexus7. I'm trying to run it like this: sendBroadcast ( new Intent(I ... nt.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED from pid=18228, uid=10097 I don't understand what's going on at all. on 2,3,6 android, this runs ok.

Installing the Android SDK

What steps do I need to follow to install and configure the Android SDK on Window or Linux? What are the requirements for the working environment?

Starting from what minimum version of Android can I download apps in the Google play market?

I recently heard that in order to download an app in the Google play market, the minimum version for it must be at least android 8.0. Is this true or not? And if not, then starting from what version can I download the app?

What should a moxy connection with androidx look like?

I try to connect Moxy with AndroidX, but writes duplicate classes: Duplicate class com.arellomobile.mvp.DefaultView found in ... xy-x-material:1.7.0' annotationProcessor 'com.github.moxy-community:moxy-compiler:2.0.2' What dependencies should there be?