
Navigation Drawer does not open the desired fragment

The app uses the Navigation Drawer Activity. To navigate through the Navigation Drawer menu items, use the Navigation Archite ... he fab that were in the template, were removed from the activation code. Also, the drawer itself is not displayed correctly.

Is there an analog of flatMap RxJava in LiveData?

Is there an analog of flatMap RxJava in LiveData from Jetpack ? I need to make a network request, wait for its result, and using its result immediately make the next other network request. Thank you all for any help

How do I remove all the panels in the app under android 4.0.4 (ICS)?

The app should be displayed in full screen without panels. To do this, I write in the manifest android:theme="@android:style/ ... TION); //То же самое, тоже не работает View.setSystemUiVisibility(View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN); There is no solution yet.

Manifest merger failed: Attribute application@appComponentFactory value=(

How do I resolve this error? Manifest merger failed : Attribute application@appComponentFactory value=( ... Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:appComponentFactory"' to element at AndroidManifest.xml:16:5-324:19 to override.

Adapting animation in android

Please help me figure it out. I'm completely confused. I have a conditional button, its dimensions are set in dp - everything ... mv5-element where the button should move pr1-button. Since they are all the same, the dimensions of the first one are used.

GSON Android, well, I don't understand it at all

Hello. There are already 3,000,000,000 such questions. But I do not understand at all how to take and learn how to serialize ... ct.getJSONArray("p_item").toString()); } return new ArrayList<User>(); } And I can't even do it by analogy...

String comparison via the Java switch statement

I need to compare the value that is in the object with each value from the prepared array. How do I do this? In my case, it g ... ch (text) { case labelsStr[0]: startActivity(new Intent(context, Color.class)); break; }

Disable rotation of the Activity and the entire app

Good afternoon. How to solve this situation correctly? There is an android application that depends on one parameter - the di ... ientation="portrait" android:orientation="horizontal" Accordingly. But the app still rotates. Tell me how can this be fixed?

Android: find the value in Sqlite

Hello. I'm just starting to learn programming, I've dug through a bunch of examples and lessons, but things are not moving fo ... in the database (the database contains the name and address, you need to search only by address and output the name+address)?

How do I check my internet connection?

I want that when you click on the button, a message is displayed that there is no connection to the Internet. I wrote this me ... the same, when debag, this piece passes through. What is the problem? I wrote all the necessary permissions in the manifest.

Installing 2 apps from 1 apk

Is it possible to install 2 apps via 1 apk file. If yes, you can get some more detailed information

The app is stuck processing updates in Google Play

Hello everyone I encountered such a problem: Usually updates for the application were processed within two hours.But there we ... Now more than 40 hours have passed and I have not taken any more actions. Can you tell me if this is normal and what to do?

Something like your alarm clock on Android

I wanted to know how you can perform some tasks when the application is closed ? In fact, there is a need to make something l ... is, how can you perform certain tasks even if the person has turned off the app ? I just don't even know which way to dig :)

How to detect the browser in the user agent via the application's GET request

I deployed a local server with the code to define user agenta. From android studio via HttpURLConnection I make a request to ... I'm just gaining experience and this the problem has been driving my brain for several days now. Please help me! Alyarma!!!

How to compile a Python TKinter program in. apk file for Android?

I decided to try to make a simple app for the Android experience in Python using TKinter. Is it possible to do this? I heard ... ill it be displayed on mobile devices? Please describe all the compilation methods in. apk and all the nuances that can occur

How to programmatically restart your phone

It seems that the question is not uncommon, but I can not restart the phone with root. (the option with the button, of course ... e system code, such as ##code## or at least already with some crutches =) Do I no longer have the right to restart my phone?

It is not possible to link an Android application on Kotlin and a server on Python using a socket. help please

I wrote a server in Python and a client in Kotlin. When I launch an app in Android Studio and click on the button that should ... taOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()) dout.writeUTF("Hello") dout.flush() dout.close() socket.close() }

How does the app review process work when it is published on the play market?

How applications are checked when they are uploaded to the play market. Do I watch manual testers in the app? What does autom ... to a redirect? Can a conditional calculator with the rights to make calls pass verification and be posted in the play market?

How do I send a GET request on Android?

I can't send a GET request to android try { URL url = new URL(""); url.openConne ... d the exception is not raised. Although if I open this address in the browser on android, the script is executed. What to do?

Android error: Manifest merge failed with multiple errors, see logs

I have a project, everything used to work fine, now I get these errors when building the project Manifest merger failed w ... tion without it, because then you will have to rewrite a lot of things all over again. Thank you in advance for your answer!