
Location detection for Android

I can't get the phone to get the location coordinates. Testing on a real SG4 device. Code public class MyActivity extends A ... onLocationChanged event is not triggered (((( neither in the logs nor on the screen - no changes. It just doesn't get there.

ListView c EditText. Edit and save values.

Hello. There is a ListView, with this markup of the list item: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.and ... don't know how. Help me figure it out or, if I'm not doing it at all, direct me in the right direction. thank you in advance!

Java. Android Studio.Running the service in the background without notification

Hello everyone, please tell me how to start the service in the background without notification in the app? And what does it m ... "Service is running background") .setContentIntent(pendingIntent) .build()); } Thank you in advance.

Intent.putExtra android Kotlin

Faced with a very simple problem, but I can not understand why it is not solved. There are two Activities, when passing from ... xt = dateInString } In him the variable id gets from MainActivity, and in onOptionItemSelected, does not want to get out.

Using a ready-made SQLite android database

I need to output data in a ListView (or better yet, in a RecycleView) from a ready-made SQLite database. I tried to follow th ... tList = mDBHelper.getListProduct(); In DataBaseHelper: Cursor cursor = mDataBase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM PRODUCT", null);

Android jni javah

I'm trying to create an h-file for android via javah. The com.example.test class.MainActivity. How to use javah correctly? Sh ... ses or src? Somewhere I read that the wrong javah can be used, depending on the paths in the patch(xs which is not the one).

Android Q, scoped storage

As you know, in Android Q (API=29), Google once again changed the rules for accessing external memory (external storage) and ... rd design: SQLiteDatabase db=SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(file.getPath(), null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);

Assembler listing of the library's machine code for android

The Android SDK & NDK are installed on Ubuntu. Are there any standard tools in the delivery?

Moxy example with Fragments

Maybe someone figured out how Moxy works with Fragment ? Please help me! I've been having fun for a week now. I can't impleme ... ation 'com.github.moxy-community:moxy-androidx:1.0.13' implementation 'com.github.moxy-community:moxy-material:1.0.13' }

The app crashes when replacing a fragment

When I click on the replace fragment button, the app crashes. public class MainActivity extends AppCompa ... at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at

Ubuntu x64 Intel

Good time of day! For Android compilation( versions 2.3.* and higher ) from the sources, you need a 64-bit Linux based enviro ... ions other than Ubuntu are convenient for my task( the one that is described in multiple ways at the very beginning). Thanks!

Android Client-server application

You need to create a client-server application that displays a list of files by category. For example, the server contains fo ... ity to download the desired file. Where to start digging and are there any tutorials where such functionality is implemented?

How to fix a doubleclick in a fragment

There are 3 fragments and a bottomNavBar. When switching from fragment to fragment, the docx file must be processed. everythi ... ferences.edit(); ed.putString(SAVED_TEXTDocx, textViewMain.getText().toString()); ed.commit(); } }

Android databinding deprecated?

I hear from many people that Google announced that databinding was deprecated, but I didn't find anything like this on the official website. Google also does not give out anything intelligible. Is there really any official information on this matter?

Problems with Unity IAP. Null Reference Exception

Making a game on Unity (2019.2.0f1). I'm trying to embed purchases using Unity IAP. I inserted the key from Google Play, fill ... I realized that somewhere something is missing someone. But what, where and who is not I see. Please tell me, what can it be?

Google Play, This app is available for 0 or more devices

During the publication of the application in Google Play, the questionnaire contains the item "Supported devices". The help s ... le for 0 or more devices. What does this mean? My app available for all phones? Will my app not work on any phone? Or what?

Enabling the fragment (item) in the recycler view)

There is a separate fragment with a Recyclerview. You need to "include" some items in the recycler view in order for it to di ... android:src="@drawable/ic_play_button"> </ImageView> </RelativeLayout> </LinearLayout>

BottomNavigationView bug

You need to make a" floating " BottomNavigationView. Nothing complicated, I did it in a couple of minutes, but ... In the And ... _host_fragment" app:menu="@menu/bottom_nav_menu" /> </androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout>

Compile AndroidManifest.xml

I have a file: AndroidManifest.xml So I want the app to be full screen. So I decompiled this file with http://www.cherubicsof ... In general, in theory, I need an application that shows a certain site in full screen, without the status bar.

Implementing a C++ project in Android Studio

Worked with OpenCV in C++, now it's time to do it on android. How to properly connect an old C++ project to JNI?