
How to specify the path to the directory in.bat file?

I have.bat file, next to the folder (Result). In the folder are .jpg files with different names. I'm trying to write .bat fil ... \*.jpg" for /f "usebackq delims=*" %%f in (`dir /b /o:-d /tc %a%`) do (ren "%%f" file-!count:~1!.jpg set /a count+=1 ) pause

Running programs as an administrator via the batnik

There is a batch script that performs certain actions with files and directories, simultaneously running several executables ... y with the necessary rights? I tried to run the script itself on behalf of the administrator, but it stops working correctly.

Automatic authorization in steam + "remember my password" Bat file

I wrote a Bat file with which I automatically log in to my Steam accounts. `@echo off taskkill /f /im steam.exe @echo off Sta ... ed to check the box "remember my password" (you can see in the image), but I can't do it . How can I do this please help me.

Store logged in user in variable.bat

I have to create a bat to automate the installation of the company's default programs, but one in particular is giving me a h ... ble. To be honest I don't know much programming bash, but it's only that part of the code that is missing and I can't solve.

Invalid character in File.bat

Gentlemen ! I have a file .bat that I use to start Apache Tomcat of my application in debug mode. But when running this file ... CATALINA_OPTS=%CATALINA_OPTS% -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8990,server=y,suspend=n %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\startup.bat

How to list folder files on the network

Context: A few times a day I need to collect information from folders on the network, where it has several subfolders and ... ths. Standardizing to Windows folder. Note: If possible I would like to return the list of file paths only .Exe and .ZIP

Problems with batch Backup and specific Software

I have two problems with backups performed in different ways (they are distinct and independent solutions), the first is a "b ... ructure? The goal is to perform the backups with an option that does not present any of these problems. Grateful right now.

Wait for BAT command to be executed to continue

I need to run a bat file with the following content: ECHO "Mensagem 1" copy xxx yyy ECHO "Mensagem 2" outro.bat param1 ECHO ... zzz ooo Put when he performs the other.bat my script does not wait for it to finish to execute message 3 and copy command.

Windows CMD - set string with accent

I'm trying to create a batch (CMD) in Windows that "scans" folders in a given directory and then renames the subfolders accor ... folder that the nomenclature has no accentuation, it works normally. I'm a while away managing to solve it, but it's hard...

How to delete files in a directory with batch script?

I need that when running a script.cmd it deletes all files with the following extensions: .txt and .mp4 if they exist. Thes ... That is, it is possible to do this without leaving the paste batch ? Commands must be compatible with Windows 2003 / XP.

How do I check if a windows service is installed, if it is starting the service via batch file

I need to run a service for some processes, but first I needed to check if the service is installed. The commands I use to ... rted NET STOP Servico goto end :stopped NET START Servico goto end :end If anyone has an idea how to solve I appreciate it.

Is there a "sudo" for Windows?

It is usually easy to open a program / script .bat with elevation using the right-click option "Run As Administrator". But what if I want to run something with elevation from the cmd, a kind of sudo, has how?

Interrupt script without terminating bat

A PHP script generates a file .bat and then executes the same, the problem is that I do not want my PHP script to be waiting ... g for the bat to finish, how can I do that? I've tried adding > /dev/null 2>/dev/null & to exec but it didn't work.

End process by.bat whenever the same is started

Good Morning! Whenever I start the computer the beautiful process GWX.exe (the famous process Install Win10) is executed, ... it be something like: se processo GWX.exe estiver sendo executado então execute .bat I await return, thank you right now!

How can I continue a BAT on a new profile after restarting

I have seen many sites teaching how to continue a BAT, but this occurs in the same profile. In my situation I need it to be s ... reated and it is in this pefil that I need. I couldn't find anything about some. I will be very grateful if anyone can help.

Bat to terminate process and close application on the desktop

In the company I work we have an application called Socket developed in java to run files in the browser, but I need a bat to ... rectly. @echo off taskkill /F /IM conhost.exe (nome do processo) C:\SOCKET\ExecuteAppCaixa.jar (caminho para abrir) pause

Simulate an " ok " via command line

I have a Windows prompt command that disables proxy settings: REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Inter ... I go to the Windows menu of the proxy configuration and click on the "ok" there. How do I simulate this " ok " via prompt?

Open multiple programs on different desktops using script in windows 10

I'm wanting to open some programs on different work screens that I have to use frequently. And I wanted to know how I make a ... xe I also like to open Spotify, OneNote, browser, but I wanted this to open on another desktop. I'm using Windows 10 PRO.

How to treat accentuation in files.bat?

Good Morning! I'm having a hard time copying a file from one folder to another using the copy command. I'm using UTF-8 Enco ... a - QA de EFN.xlsx" O sistema não pode encontrar o caminho especificado. Can you please help me resolve the matter? Thanks.

How to check if IP exists with bat

I can drip all network addresses with something like this: for /l %%x in (1, 1, 100) do ping 10.1.1.%%x However, not all ... example language) for(int i = 1; i < 256; i++) { var ip = formataip(i); if(ip_existe(ip)) ping_ip(ip); }