
Creation.bat file to run.exe with an additional parameter

I need to run a NetBeans program with an additional parameter. Here is a working option via the console step by step: >b: ... ever encountered writing such files. So you need help-plz., just write down what needs to be fixed. I would be very grateful.

Redirecting threads in a command file (CMD, BAT)

There is some need to log the operation of the program, and I would not like to lose the ability to display data on the conso ... xample: dir > list.txt 2>&1 But I can't figure out how you can write one stream to both the screen and the file.

"if not exist" doesn't work"

There is a folder d:\EXPT. Two EXD and EXF files appear in it. Required in d:\ In copy exactly EXF first, then move it from ... \EXF??????????.*( xcopy d:\EXPT\EXD??????????.* d:\In /V /Y move d:\EXPT\EXD??????????.* d:\EXPT\a\ ) )

I can't run the code on Go via cmd.exe on Windows 10

The other day, I, a novice, installed Windows 10 Go version 1.13.4. Everything seems to be installed correctly, and GOPATH wa ... go-build464688474\b001\exe\hello.exe" "- o " is not an internal or external command executed by a program or a batch file.

How do I run a python script using xp cmdshell from sql-server?

Python 3.8.5 is installed on the server. If you run the file from the command line, then everything works. But I need ... TEWAY\MSSQL_TELEGRAM -d Problem -i C:\Python\Telegram\' The same mistake. How do I run this one script without errors?

pip python doesn't work on the command line

Pip doesn't work in python. What to do? I write on the command line - D:\python3>pip install pyinstaller And outputs "pi ... й командой, исполняемой программой или пакетным файлом. Tried through the folder python3\tools\scripts, still does not find

variables in bat files

I am writing a script that would take the path to the folder as the first parameter and copy its contents to another one that ... : "Unexpected occurrence: ..", and the flag variable does not contain anything at all. Tell me what I'm doing wrong.Thank you

Excluding file search and deletion via cmd / bat

In x folders there are x files that have the form куча_цифр_куча_цифр.wav in the name, next to all these folders there are ex ... ~a" I just don't know what other simple ways there are, I can't get cmd to search by mask to fulfill the condition do if not

How to specify the path to the directory in.bat file?

I have.bat file, next to the folder (Result). In the folder are .jpg files with different names. I'm trying to write .bat fil ... \*.jpg" for /f "usebackq delims=*" %%f in (`dir /b /o:-d /tc %a%`) do (ren "%%f" file-!count:~1!.jpg set /a count+=1 ) pause

cmd does not go to the desired folder

You need to go to the folder (D:\python\python\course), enter "cd D:\python\python\course" and nothing happens, the path has ... rs\Пацу>cd D:\python\python\course C:\Users\Пацу>chdir D:\python\python\course C:\Users\Пацу> Реально вообще решить?

Creating your own command for the windows command line

I often use the command line, and almost every time I start my work by going to the projects folder. This is not very convenient, can I somehow make my own command that will transfer me immediately to the desired folder?

How to execute a cmd command via C#?

I have a button that, when clicked, should format the disk selected by the user in the list. You can implement this via the cmd format command, but how do I execute it? Also, taking into account the fact that the disk name can change.

What's wrong with the for (cmd) loop?

I start working with cmd and immediately can't do the first task from the tutorial - create a loop according to the instructi ... es not work. Maybe the problem is in the cmd itself? What are the options at all? (This is the console, not bat, if anything)

Installing the npm package globally, manually, how to implement it?

There was a need to install this package npm install -g alexanderwillner/kingraph npm ERR! code ENOENT npm ERR! syscall spa ... orrect, how do I install this package manually, globally? Thank you in advance Upd: I tried to do the same thing using yarn:

How to launch файл.ру bypassing the command line?

I decided to make myself something "Wise advice for every day", only about hieroglyphs. Program description: The essence o ... r opening all files of the type .py, but in this scenario, the file immediately opens for ... for editing, not for launching.

Encoding of the php script text in the console in Windows

I have a large PHP application running through the console. All files with UTF-8 encoding, instead of echo I use my function ... indows 10, there are no problems with encoding, you don't even need to translate anything. In versions of Windows below-none.

Getting command line output

import os,subprocess command=r'pyinstaller C:\Users\user\Desktop\Питон\' output=os.popen(command) print(output. ... same: output=subprocess.Popen(command,stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print(output.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8')) >>>

Running programs as an administrator via the batnik

There is a batch script that performs certain actions with files and directories, simultaneously running several executables ... y with the necessary rights? I tried to run the script itself on behalf of the administrator, but it stops working correctly.

The directory in cmd does not change with the cd command

The picture shows that I try to change the directory, write a cd and a directory, but the directory does not change. Who knows why

How to combine these three loops into a for (cmd) loop?

I tried a lot of things, but I stopped at this version, which also doesn't work: for /l %%i in (%1\*.%4, %2\*.%4, %3\*.%4) d ... n (%1\*.%5, %2\*.%5, %3\*.%5) do 7z a task\arch_%5 "%%i" for %%i in (%1\*.%6, %2\*.%6, %3\*.%6) do 7z a task\arch_%6 "%%i"