
How do I save cookies from a website in a separate file and use them only in the future?

When you log in to the site, cookies are issued, and each time you run the program, this very authorization is performed. So, ... unt; i++) { write.Write(req.Cookies.Keys.ElementAt(i) + ": " + req.Cookies.Values.ElementAt(i) + Environment.NewLine); }

JQuery cookie

Hello, tell me how to make cookies for all pages of the site? This construction did not help me: $.cookie("blockhide", "openned", { expires: 7}, { path: '/'}, { domain: ''});

Ajax with cookies or Ajax with server authorization

There is a php script on the site that returns JSON for a GET request. You need Ajax to get this data in JavaScript, another ... that if authorization is not passed (i.e. there is no cookie), the script returns null. Q: How do I send Ajax with a cookie ?

How to properly work with Cookies in Android

I am implementing a request to the server that sets the PHPSESID in the cookie, I am doing it like this: response = h ... ve cookies every request, is there a way to do this as in the browser, they were installed themselves without my supervision?

Deleting mybb ru cookies using javascript

There is a forum on 0pk. You need to implement the "delete cookies" button. The problem is that javascript for some reason do ... if(propValue !== true){ updatedCookie += "=" + propValue } } document.cookie = updatedCookie } </script>

How do I send cookies to Laravel middleware?

How do I send cookies directly to middleware? Option return $next($request)->cookie('switch', $sw); Does not work. Wh ... , but when I try to get cookies in some controller $request->cookie('switch') Then I get null Lara version 5.8, php 7.1

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by

Cookies are not saved. What's wrong. Error Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at blocksSite/main_noauth.php:4) in blocksSite/main_noauth.php on line 58

Not defined by $ COOKIE via ajax

In the file script.js. The first part sets cookies // установка куки $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "name.php" }); File ... o $newname; In the browser, the cookie itself appears, but through the file name.php not defined. What could be the problem?

Is ... authorized?

Please tell me how to make sure that the user is logged in and is registered on the site at all? If so, then we move it to an ... footer.php"); ?></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> <?php } ?>

SPA on Vue + Laravel: Sessions and CSRF token

I am writing an application, Laravel is used for the API on JWT tokens. In the web, there is only one route, which actually r ... and laravel sessions? And most importantly, what does laravel put in cookies out of the box, which is not needed for the API?

I can't implement autologin

This is certainly quite a difficult task, so I would like at least some tips from those who have dealt with this. There is a ... code stopped writing the second cookie(session), and writes only the first one. Well, now I'll try to pass all the arguments.

"Remember me" when authorizing a user

Good afternoon. You need to add the ability to remember the user to the user authorization system, if he checked the "remembe ... ; $_SESSION['privileged'] = $findUser['privileged']; } unset($db); } } }

Working with cookies in JavaScript and jQuery

The main task: to find out whether the user is on the site for the first time or not. I read several manuals on javascript co ... ("visit", num++); } else { alert("Вижу вы тут уже " + $.cookie("visit") + " раз!"); } </script> ??

How do I save and reuse cookies in javascript + selenium?

Interested in using a pure selenium-webdriver module. So that you can only log in to the test site once, and then re-use the saved cookies. So that these saved cookies can be added to the newly launched browser instance.

What is a session?

Please explain to the ignorant. What is the difference between session and cookies? Is it possible to apply one thing without ... to save passwords on the first visit. P.S. And don't send me straight to Google, because I didn't understand anything there.

Reading the desired value from an array of cookies

Cookies are available: _ym_uid=1501572828150021607; _ym_isad=2; value=11; _ga=GA1.2.889728148.1501572828; _gid=GA1.2.3537 ... onnecting the metrica counters, as there are more cookies and it turns out that I am not taking the right one correctly cook.

Download the file with the authorization of C#

Hello. There is a page from which you need to download the file after logging in. I do it like this: string loginURI = "http ... l, or maybe there is some way to download the file referenced in the tor_url variable using HttpWebRequest / HttpWebResponse?

COOKIE. Why don't the $APPLICATION->set cookie() and $APPLICATION->get cookie methods work()

I try to set an additional cookie to the user, but the cookie is not set, checked on another site under the same conditions, ... ,'asdas');?> does not put a cookie, the site has several aliases, while there is not even a thought in what can be case...

PHP: how to work with cookies? Are they different from different folders?

Php file in the scripts folder. Performing $parent_id = 3333; setcookie( "parent_id", $parent_id); Then php is executed i ... 3333, path: /scripts How do I write / read cookies from different folders? I need a $parent_id general for the entire site.