
How to make a LOGIN in laravel for two fields

According to the standard in laravel, there is one field for username when logging in to the account. Here is for example now ... database) and log in to the account was successful. If this cannot be done then suggest an alternative two-field entry option

Authorization in React + Firebase

Hello everyone I'm starting to learn ReactJS. And in one of the test projects, I encountered a problem with the authorization ... ; } </div> ) } export default withFirebaseAuth({ providers, firebaseAppAuth, })(Auth)

Pornhub authorization (python)

Who can tell you how to implement authorization via request for pornhub? You need to get a link to download the video, witho ... l2 = "" r2 =, data=data) print(r2.text) s.cookies This authorization does not help.

Ubuntu pgAdmin 4 set default username / password

Setting pgAdmin4 in this way > wget --directory-prefix=${VENV} ... Значение пароля It didn't help either How to do it right - I didn't find something, apparently I can't Google Please tell me

I can't implement autologin

This is certainly quite a difficult task, so I would like at least some tips from those who have dealt with this. There is a ... code stopped writing the second cookie(session), and writes only the first one. Well, now I'll try to pass all the arguments.

Error when authorizing vk OpenAPI

There is a code like this: <script> VK.init({ apiId: ***** }); VK.Auth.login(function(response) { if (response.session ... i access error {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"check domain settings"} How to solve it? Thank you in advance

Example of authorization of VK Yii2?

I want to do authorization/registration via VKontakte, I found the official library. I would like to see an example of such a ... ely an example with authorization via ulogin, with all the views, the controller, and the model. As well. Where can I see it?

How does authorization on the server work (login/password)?

Client-server application. We decided to make a login-password authorization on the server. I don't understand the mechanism ... arse and show it in the listview. But with authorization, the plug came out. I will be glad to receive a constructive answer.

VK authorization error

There is a script for sending some messages (not spam, not flood, not advertising), I worked with it for more than six months ... messages flag from scope='messages,users,friends', the error disappears and authorization passes, what could be the problem?

Auth always returning false

Good I'm developing a login own and in it I have other campos and another tabela, everything goes perfectly but always return ... part attempt() but it did not work and continued giving false. It is worth remembering that I have the user in the database.

How to download the file using wget on an authenticated website?

I am trying to download a backup file that is located on an authenticated website using wget. I tracked the http behavior whe ... r ways too, but to no avail: My URL download is similar to this:

Google OAuth + stopped working

No client with email you are more able to access my services via OAuth. In the old days they all clicked on "Login ... mail, register a password, all that? How to resolve this without harming all my customers? I Use Rails + Devise + Omniauth.

Change Laravel framework 5.8.15 Auth default table

Good night, I would like to know how to use Laravel's auth but with a different table, I saw some articles on the internet bu ... word', 'remember_token', // ]; // protected $casts = [ // 'email_verified_at' => 'datetime', // ]; }

React / Redux-connection in function

Hello! I have a file containing a single function, it should return a bolean from a condition using redux storage data. Can ... onnect(mapStateToProps)(Routes); However I get the following error: Ps.: I'm a beginner in the React JS world. Thank you!

Facebook login php Auth returning dialog / oauth?client id in url

I'm making my application for login on Facebook, but it returns with GET in url ?code=etc... Before it was working normal ... ri' => '' )); header("Location: " . $login_url); } }