
In Flutter, is it possible to open an html file locally from resources?

Is there such a possibility in Flutter to open an html file from the resources of the application itself, and not from the ne ... the application. Can you give me some advice on how to make the app differently, if this option is not suitable ? Thanks...

Difference between statlesswidget and stateful

I am a novice programmer I can't understand the difference, do they always include each other? How it works

Flutter-error: No address associated with hostname

At startup, it returns an error (OS Error: No address associated with hostname, errno = 7). I am trying to send a request fr ... sitory(); } getSliders() async{ return await _repository.httpGet('sliders'); } }

Is there such a thing as "methods"in Dart?

I recently started learning dart and this question came up: are there any methods in Dart? Function: dynamic u(){ //код return "Строка"; } Method?: void p(){ //код } /: void p(){ //код return null; } How's that?

The dart language compiles to JavaScript exactly the same as TypeScript?

I came across AngularDart, which is written in Google Dart. And I was wondering in the same JavaScript code it compiles TypeS ... not defined due to the loss of context, but in Dart the context is not lost => somehow everything is compiled differently.

Deserialize JSON-Dart / Flutter

I have a JSON and want to throw it into an array. final String jsonSample='[{"id":1},{"id":2}]'; var json = jsonDecode(jsonS ... do é: [{id: 1}, {id: 2}] So far all right, but now I wanted to take only the ID and throw it in an array. How can I do it?

How to use profile picture in flutter?

I have a card represented by showing the photo of the user + the name of the same, when I search for a local image it loads t ... act=mrc&uact=8'), I can put any link, but it loses the formatting of the image with rounded edges and leaves only square.

How do I know if a package is dev dependencies or dependencies?

Taking as the example of this two packages: freezed and freezed_annotation, the installation instruction on the site pub.dev ... to install dependencies adds the package in the right place. How do I know if is a package dev_dependencies or dependencies?

Image in the image URL.flutter network does not work on the physical device

I made a basic app, because until then, I only used Image.asset() to put image, now I went to put Image.network() and the URL ... fit: BoxFit.fill, ), ], ), ), ), ), ); } }

How do I disable stagehand template when creating a flutter web project?

I have already tried disabling using the pub global deactivate stagehand command, but I cannot create any project if this tem ... xtension version 3.2.0 [!] Connected device ! No devices available ! Doctor found issues in 3 categories. Any ideas ?

Current location-Flutter

Guys, I need to take the current latitude and longitude of the mobile Coom flutter, but it is not working and I'm not finding ... ), ], ), ), ), ], ), ), ); } }

pageView with a bottomNavigationBar = error

Friends, I'm trying to make a pageView with a bottomNavigationBar, but I'm getting an error that I'm not understanding why. I ... reens / my_home_page.dart: 72 I / flutter (13159): I / flutter (13159): When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:

How to open the link by clicking on a gridview image and putting the name below it?

Good Morning! I'm starting to learn programming with flutter, I'm very new to the area. I want to know how I can open the li ... ), ], ), ), ), ); }), ), ); } }

How does dart interpret a () = > {x,y,z} arrow in lambda/anonymous functions

Has a similar question here (regarding javascript) but I believe there are different features in the implementation with Dar ... ow function commands are 'comma delimited' , does the compiler interpret the two the same way or does it have any difference?

How to place an online symbol inside a flutter image

Hello, I have to put an online symbol inside an image, but I don't know how to do this, I want something like : What I manag ... ), ), ], ), Text("$texto") ], ), ); }

Difference between ways to import with and without 'package:'

When we import a class / library is suggested two options, I would like to know if there is any difference / advantage betwee ... Ex: import 'controller/conferencia_controller.dart'; import 'package:conferencia/controller/conferencia_controller.dart';

Flutter Dart consuming a lot of RAM during build

I have installed flutter for web, desktop and android. The problem happens on all platforms that I try to run a project, and ... M installed and if I leave the dart building the project it ends up consuming everything and android studio stop answering.

Google Maps and WebSocket Flutter

Well, come on... I'm developing an application using flutter (I'm new to the Dart language), so I need my application to upda ... children: Syncing files to Device Android SDK built for x86... 7.306 ms (!) Would Anyone know how to help me?

How to use the Assert statement?

A Docuentation informs that: During development, use a assert statement to stop normal execution if a condition is f ... reason from this example do not behave in the expected way? Https://dartpad.dartlang.org/d98ad76b6e985e6cff27ecc7aea07d29

Code without color effects when filename starts with upper-case

I am using Intellij IDEA to develop using Flutter but when I name a new class with its name starting in capital letter the co ... without the color effects. Obs.: The code compiles and works correctly, the only problem is the color effects in the code.