
How do I rotate an object around its axis?/Unity3d

There is a ball that I want to rotate around its axis forward . The question itself would be very easy, if not for one but. ... } The only way out I see is to change the mechanics of movement, but how? //Rotating the animation is probably a bad idea.

How to implement plants in a Plant vs Zombie type game? Unity

I want to try to make a game like Plants vs Zombies. But I do not understand how best and most correctly to implement plants. ... similar. Maybe learn some new things and suddenly I got stuck on such a question. I hope for help, thank you in advance :)))

Stages of creating a computer game on Unity

I write a computer game, but I do not know what is missing, because I collect information in Youtube on courses that the auth ... se needs to be done?) Creating the main menu. We are putting together an ekzeshnik. Please add to my list or write your own.

How do I specifically make a game crash on Unity?

You need to make sure that when you enter the trigger, the game either crashes with an error, or there is a crash. Is it possible to do this somehow?

Spawn of an object in a random unity position

Game 2d. The idea is to write a script that will spawn objects on the axis in a random place on the X axis in the range that ... nt to make the blocks fall down and be a kind of Enemi for the player. I tried to write my own scripts, but they didn't work.

Creating a 3D Flash game

Good time of day. I want to create a game like TempleRun, also for mobile phones, Android mostly. So, is there any suggestion ... learn the process of creating 3D games like this + knowledge of what programming languages are needed? Thank you in advance.

How do I change the Rotation of a child object relative to its parent?

Such a question. I have a parent object Sphere, and a child object is attached to it, the point of appearance of the projecti ... er to fix its position; it shoots it out instead of the projectile, thus not being able to launch projectiles. Where to dig?

How do I make a timer with a cycle of 30 seconds?

Hello everyone. How do I make a timer with a cycle of 30 seconds, that is, a timer that will turn on again when 0 seconds are ... timerText.text = Mathf.Round(timeStart).ToString(); } } I will gladly accept criticism and take into account mistakes:)

Creating a map generator from 3d tiles on Unity

I make a similar game Pixel Dungeon, only in the 3d version. I started with the dungeon generator. The idea is that there is ... re elegant solutions for a long time, but I haven't been able to find what I need yet. fits. Please show me the way. Thanks.

how to calculate the distance between points on a 2D map if the world is looped (as in civilization)?

Just calculating the distance is not a problem. In my implementation, this is: let distance = Math.sqrt((players[socketId].x ... see each other. How can I make a formula so that they remain visible, taking into account such an organization of the world?

Coordinates Of The Image. Shooting GALLERY game

Beginner. I want to remake the Shooting Range game (popular in the source code) for my own, instead of Canvas.Pen.Color := c ... 10. Попаданий: ' + IntToStr(p)+'.'); // теперь кнопка и сообщение снова видны end; end; end.

Error "error: assignment to expression with array type"

I want to draw a field for the game. I created a 2D masiv, and I wanted to transfer some data to its cells. As a result, it r ... ain.c:23:18: error: assignment to expression with array type field[i] = "# #"; ^

Rotate a vector around another one

I'm writing a simple game with graphics(the ball bounces off the window borders and lines, which the user builds himself). I ... rly). I would be glad if someone could help me find the answer to this question. I have been suffering for more than a week(

Loading map in a game with multiple loading points, how to avoid collisions and combine adjacent elements

The map is stored in the database, and it is retrieved from there in 16x16 chunks(Chunk). There is a static map class Map. ... ader caused the loading of these Chunks. If they do not intersect and do not border, then they are not connected in any way.

How to do it.An EXE file with a Python game?

I wrote a Python 3 game in PyCharm using the tkinter library. I need to translate this game into an. exe file so that I can t ... images with this file Perhaps in PyCharm there is such a function that translates to. exe file, but I have not heard of this.

Programming language for game development [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... hics/game engines) not in C++? What projects are there? Especially interested in projects where fast calculations are needed.

Unity(c#) - How to spawn an object so that it flies and destroys another one?

I have a problem. In my game, there is an object (a rocket) that falls down. When the player picked up this Rocket it must fl ... n.identity); transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(_player.position, _bombPoint.position, _shotSpeed); } } }

Python and Unreal Engine4. Is it possible?

While studying python, I had a desire to try to write a full-fledged 3d game (ideally for the App Store/Google play) on some ... But I couldn't find any sane examples of writing a full-fledged game using only python. Maybe someone knows similar examples?

How to start developing a game in unity \ ue4?

I created a 2d platformer in SFML&C++, as well as created a card game on Android(Java + LibGDX). In C#, I created program ... hoose? ue4\unity? Second. How to start training? The ultimate goal is to create a game. Some literature, video courses, etc.