
Can't install windows 7 after installing ubuntu

When I go to the windows 7 installation, only the picture and the mouse come out there. And the installation itself is not included. Who knows how to fix it help.

How to create a bootable microSD flash drive with Windows 7 under Ubuntu?

I format the flash drive in NTFS, set the boot flag, use unetbootin to try to write windows to the flash drive, but unetbootin does not see the flash drive with ntfs. Maybe there are some alternatives?

Bios and Windows 7 installation

I want to install the OS through the bios, nothing comes out. In boot, I set my dvd-rom to 1, after rebooting the black screen and " _ " blinks at the top. Update

Window collapse animation in Windows 7 and Delphi 7

As you know, in Windows 7, when the effects are enabled, the window does not collapse instantly, but with an animation lastin ... window instantly or add a check that it is 100% invisible? It is desirable that it also works in other versions of Windows.

composer is not installed on your computer

Downloaded ComposerSetup.exe from the official website. I try to install it and get the following error: Some settings on ... t understand what the problem might be. Because on windows 7 I don't have any onedrive folders. OS: windows 7 max php: 7.3.9

How to determine the bit depth of the operating system by means of.NET?

There is a C# application for Win 7, during the execution of which you need to determine whether it is running on the 32 or 64 bit version of the OS. Is it possible to do this with .NET or is it necessary to use "workarounds"?

C#, The Windows service cannot start

I wrote a Windows service in C#. At startup, an error is returned: The TFFU service could not be started on the Local compute ... led = true; } private void OnElapsedTime(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { //Тут должна быть программа }

os. system () does not work, and if you copy the zip-command command to cmd, it works fine

I'm learning Python from the book "A Byte of Python", I slightly reworked the example from the book, instead of 'zip' I use ' ... and) == 0: print('\nРезервная копия успешно создана в', target) else: print('\nСоздание резервной копии НЕ УДАЛОСЬ')

Hidden launch of a powershell script without displaying the console window

There is some script that runs through the Windows 7 Task Manager. Everything works without problems, but since some operatio ... finish correctly. This leads to the question: how to run the script in the background, so that it does not bother your eyes.

run the program in the scheduler as an administrator

Is it possible to create a task in the scheduler under the administrator, so that any user who logs in to windows 7 gets an a ... lication running with administrator rights. The scheduler allows you to create such a task, but in practice it does not work.

How do I run a python script on behalf of the system in Windows 7.10?

There is a client-server application that should transmit data regardless of the login to the account (this is implemented in ... not log in to the account, but the program is already working and gives a connection. I would like to implement the same....

How can I install and use software designed only for Apple computers in Windows?

The question is almost about programming, but does not apply to any of the other forums of the service. There is some softwar ... can't find an Apple computer anywhere. How, with Windows 7, can I install and use software designed only for Apple computers?

After the update, WebStorm does not work, returned the old version, still gives an error

Internal error. Please report to java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Users\Kare ... en updated. The new version is only for the 64-bit system, returned the old version shows this plate. Help me fix the error.

Blue screen 0x000000C5

Prompt, blue screen 0x000000C5 at system start (win 7) safe (any), recovery mode catch the same blue screen. liveCD none is l ... either the same error or just hang. I tried to install windows, got the same blue screen. linux starts perfectly. What to do?

Wireless Console Utility how do I make it enabled when I start Windows 7?

Just every time to turn on Wi-Fi, you have to press Fn+F2, I'm terribly tired of how to set it automatically? This is all due to the fact that on the laptop wi-fi is turned on exactly this way and in no other way.

BCDedit -set description - the specified file cannot be found

Good day to all of you.Strange, why BCDedit when writing the parameter /set description "bla-bla-bla" gives: "the specified file cannot be found."?Or am I doing something wrong?I will add that the cmd-shku was run on behalf of the ADM

How to install and run Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD Processor on Windows 7?

I suffer with the installation of Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver for AMD. The studio is installed, but when creating an e ... a screenshot with my processor, There is no SSSE3 exactly-is that the case? Or still not found, why didn't the driver work?

What is the kqemu virtualization module for qemu object?

Good day to all. OC: Win7 I have for no reason in the list of installed programs was "kqemu virtualization module for qemu" . ... i.dll,InstallHinfSection Uninstall 132 %SystemRoot%\inf\kqemu.inf Suspicious object by 1nym word. Should I be afraid of him?

RSOD-or the red screen of death!!!

The worst thing happened. Orders, vacations, and all that!!!Knocked out the teapot bag (I have a cheerful teapot)The computer ... his before!) RED WINDOW OF DEATH!It basically says about the SLIC Loader.Is that all? Or can you still fight for wind's life?

The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you are using

I have a 64-bit windows, I wrote the program on this Windows, now I tried to run it on a 32-bit one, it gives an error Версия ... программного обеспечения Is there a way to make both under 64 and under 32 bits (mb settings in visual studio to tweak some)