
The LOOKUP formula returns an invalid value (Google Sheets)

There is a source table, there are columns id | приз | место | статус пользователя In this source table, the id can be dup ... льзователя 1000 | без статуса From which we can conclude that LOOKUP returns an invalid value. But I can't figure out why.

Conditional formatting in Google Tables based on the values of different cells

I use Google Sheets to collect statistics on a daily basis. I need to change the background color of the cells in the range A ... version of the table:

Custom alignment in the equation system in Word

A Word document uses mathematical systems of equations, arranged in curly brackets. Each formula in the system is centered. Question: how can I align formulas in a different way (on the left edge, on the equal sign)?

matlab: simplifying expressions

Please tell me why Matlab stubbornly does not want to simplify the expression: syms x f = str2sym('1/(sqrt(2*pi)*sigma*x)*e ... though it should have combined two exponents into one and collapsed the logarithm of the exponent What could be the problem?

Excel Formula for formatting tables

Is there any formula to string the colors of a table? I don't want the "normal" (e.g. red|white|red). What I intend is whenev ... ...... The value to compare is from the first column by the value of the first column of the Lina earlier. Is it possible?

Excel formula for searching part of text in a table

I have a table of banks and codes in two columns. Ex.: Banco do brasil S / A 001 State Bank of Rio Grande do Sul-Banrisu ... t of the name is written, How do I look in an entire column for an expression within the one text of each cell of the column?

what Formula do I make for ranges of values in excel?

I need a formula in excel that identifies intervals, ex 0-30 = 20% 31-60 = 98,5% 61-90 = 100% 91-120 = 101,5% If f2<= 30 Report 20%; if f2>30 and <60 report 98,5%, etc How do I do it?

Search in Table of values in excel

Hello! I am doing a cost table for my company and I am needing to do a search on a Value table, but the only way I currentl ... g is the key to the vertical header of it. I know how to do this in Java, but I don't know "write this in excel". Grateful!

Zebra pattern in libreoffice

In LibreOffice Calc, I want to separate in a list of artists and titles, the artists by means of a different color. That's ... ternate artists would have alternate colors. Finally I would do a conditional formatting based on the results from column C.

Insert Formula Array in Excel, via C#.? (If insert direct through excel, I have to give Crtl - Shift-Enter) - how to do this command with C#?

The following code inserts a formula into a cell in Excel. Based on the spreadsheet "data", and according to the column next ... n array formula, by C#, into Excel.??? Because the command planilhaGrafico.Cells[i, j + 1].Formula does not enter correctly.

Se-Excel function

Good afternoon! I'm having trouble making a true or false field but with 3 variables. if A1 and B1 = " N " will be null ... using the base of =if (and (A1= "N"; True; False); But I can't fit the third variable if both are N Thank you right now!

Excel - How to concatenate range of cells?

How do I concatenate a range of cells in Excel? For example: I have a column with many cells containing text information and ... s: =CONCATENAR(B2;B3;B4; ... B48). In search I found suggestion to use a function called unirtext, but it is not recognized.

VLOOKUP function does not work in Excel

I am making formulas in the Google Sheets , but when doing a conditional formatting it is informing that the formula is incorrect. =VLOOKUP(C3; Concursos!C3:H5; 1; FALSE) All cells contain integers.

SE function with 3 final values

---rephrasing the Question--- A formula that expresses the following information: - when column I and J are written "lett ... N" in all these 4 columns will return in Column C the writing "C / D" OBS: my excel does not have the function option SES.

script to insert formula

Well, I screwed up a script to check if a column contains a formula, and if it does, it inserts. I am doing this because ever ... w;i++){ var prazo = dataRange[i][8]; if (prazo == '') { prazo = '=IF(COUNTA(E4)=0;"";E4-TODAY())'; } } }